The Best Funnel Builder For Legendary Marketer

When it comes to funnel builders, there are a lot of options out there, like hundreds of the things. It can be tough to decide which platform is right for you and your business needs, especially when it comes to building something from scratch.

If you're promoting Legendary Marketer, or following their training, you want to make sure you're using the best possible funnel builder, or landing page builder to help you through their content. 

Today, we try and find the best funnel builder for legendary marketer, taking into account price, functionality and of course ease of use. I have selfishly picked some of the most popular platforms that people promote or talk about inside of the Legendary Marketer Facebook Group, rather than the obscure ones you may find on sites such as W+. 

Note - When we say funnel builder, we do also include landing page builders, as realistically to succeed with Legendary Marketer, including the 15 Day Business Builder Challenge, or the Business Blueprints, you really just need landing pages.

What Is Legendary Marketer

If you are unsure what Legendary Marketer is all about, but somehow found this awesome page, I would suggest checking out the Legendary Marketer review

But, for the simplest TLD version, would be to say Legendary Marketer is a marketing platform, stuffed full of funnels, products, training and opportunities. There are around 11 different products and services on offer.

These products start at a low price point, and then slowly show higher-priced items (which are still worth their weight in gold). This is mainly due to the fact Legendary Marketer is itself a conversion funnel. 

The products and offerings inside Legendary Marketer do change, with new eBooks, mini-course, courses and even private coaching services appearing and disappearing every now and then. 

What To Look For In A Legendary Marketer Funnel Builder

The aim of this article is to explore the different builders that people use. Primarily see if it does actually work for promoting or going through the Legendary Marketer training and if you should use them.

There may be a number of different landing page or funnel builders you want to check out, most have trials, or free tiers, so we will of course point these out. 

Lastly, we will be looking at; 

  • Price (Your business has to make money, if you shell out $$$'s per month, without bringing the same in, you will burn yourself out)
  • Ease of use, especially for beginners (as a large majority of people who get into Legendary Marketer are just starting out)
  • Functionality (If they come with other tools or features that could be useful)
  • Additional Extras, these may include done-for-you content or templates that just make life better. 

We will also go over a few platforms that didn't make this list, and explain why. 


Clickfunnels is one of the most popular funnel builders on the market. It offers a wide range of features and is perfect for businesses of all sizes. With Clickfunnels, you can create both simple and complex funnels. 

It has been around for a pretty long time, and most people know ClickFunnels when you say a funnel builder. They offer 2 plans, though they do seem to try and push people for the 'all-in-one' plan a lot these days, which seems a bit cheeky. 

The Best Funnel Builder For Legendary Marketer 2 best funnel builder for legendary marketer

The funnel builder itself does feel outdated, and can be clunky, and definitely not as sleek as their competitors. With standard drag and drop functionality, it really doesn't take long to build the different pages that Legendary Marketer teach you to create. 

One of the beauties of using ClickFunnels, is that you can easily import ready-built funnels that members of Legendary Marketer have created, including ones that LM themselves provide. 

ClickFunnels Pros:

  • Clickfunnels has their own drag & drop builder (takes a little while getting used too it)
  • It's perfect for businesses of all sizes.
  • Pre-built funnels and templates can be quickly found and imported from multiple sources.
  • Lots of integrations with email service providers such as Aweber or GetResponse.

ClickFunnels Cons:

  • Some users have reported technical issues with Clickfunnels.
  • The platform can be a bit overwhelming for beginners.
  • They are on the expensive side, especially when you are just starting out. With many users reporting they are shown the $297 per month option, before seeing the $97 standard pricing. 

Check out the ClickFunnels review here to see what they have to offer. 


Leadpages is another popular option for building landing pages and funnels. It offers a wide range of features and templates to choose from. With over 400,000 users, they are one of the biggest competitors to ClickFunnels and their platform. 

With an inbuilt drag & drop builder, that can be used with their templates (both landing pages and websites). You can quickly create a professional optin page or newsletter sign up page, without a lot of hassle. 

The Best Funnel Builder For Legendary Marketer 3 best funnel builder for legendary marketer

They do also integrate with a number of different email responders and platforms, including GetResponse and Aweber. You will need to look at their more expensive pricing option of $99 to unlock everything with LeadPages. 

Lead Pages Pros:

  • LeadPages uses a very similar setup and page builder to Thrive or Elementor Plugins - So it's friendly and intuitive. 
  • Tons of templates and ideas to help you find the perfect capture pages
  • Lots of integrations and platforms to help you capture and funnel these leads into the LM eco system

Lead Pages  Cons:  

  • At $99 per month, it does feel expensive compared to some of the other options available. 
  • It's difficult to find LM based funnels or landing pages, so you will have to start from scratch


Aweber is a popular email marketing platform that can also be used to build funnels, or at least landing pages. It offers a wide range of features and templates to choose from. With Aweber, you can create simple sign up pages, and thank you or bridge pages.

It's also one of the most affordable options, making it a great choice for businesses on a budget. A lot of people don't realise that email marketing platforms now offer landing page builders, designed to place leads directly into the autoresponder. 

The Best Funnel Builder For Legendary Marketer 4 best funnel builder for legendary marketer

With an easy to use drag & drop builder, you will be able to start capturing leads and introducing them to legendary marketer (or any program for that matter) and have them deposited directly inside of Aweber

Aweber Pros:

  • Aweber has an easy to use drag and drop builder
  • You can create a landing page and bridge page fairly quickly without having to integrate additional platforms. 
  • You can actually get started for free (Up to 500 subs + landing pages)

Aweber Cons:

  • It's only really designed for landing pages - You won't be able to do full funnels with this platform. 
  • You won't be able to import ready made Legendary Marketer funnels


Another very popular email marketing platform (it's affiliate friendly, for the most part) so it has become a go-to autoresponder for the industry. Much like Aweber, GetResponse has introduced drag and drop landing page builders, designed to help you capture leads. 

The Best Funnel Builder For Legendary Marketer 5 best funnel builder for legendary marketer

Their landing page builder is a lot more intuitive and user friendly than it's competitors, and it's relatively painless getting a professional looking capture page created. 

With their free plan you can capture 500 leads using 1 landing page. Which should be more than enough to get started with when you are just starting to promote Legendary Marketer

 GetResponse Pros:

  • The drag and drop page builder is super easy to use. Probably one of the easiest to get going with
  • Instantly capture leads straight into GetResponse
  • A number of different pre-made templates to choose from, so you can find the right one to suit your style and needs
  • It's free to get started with 
  • Legendary Marketer also deposit leads into GetResponse if people happen to sign up to LM without going through your optin pages (straight through your link for example)

GetResponse Cons:

  • There are no pre-built or importable funnels, you will need to create LM ones from stratch
  • This is really designed as a landing page builder, not a full funnel creator
  • The free option is designed for 500 leads and 1 landing page, so you don't get much chance to A/B test pages

Check out the full GetResponse review here to see what they have to offer.

A relatively new comer to the world of Funnel building, they appeared around the same time that DropFunnels popped up. One of their big advantages for people looking to promote Legendary Marketer, is that it's free to get started with and you can actually import other peoples funnels.

Systeme offers an inhouse Autoresponder + drag and drop funnel builder (It works a lot like Thrive Architect) and has become a firm favourite of a lot of new LM Affiliates.

The Best Funnel Builder For Legendary Marketer 6 best funnel builder for legendary marketer

The funnel builder can sometimes feel a little un-responsive, and it can be difficult to determine where you are about to place a element on the screen, but you do get used too it. 

Now that Systeme has introduced Share Funnels, you can actually pick up Legendary Marketer Funnels, such as this one. Unfortunately they are not 'official' ones, but remakes of the ClickFunnel versions, but they still work pretty well. 

Systeme Pros:

  • Fairly easy to use and offers a wide range of features.
  • It's great for those just getting started
  • Pre-built funnels and templates can be found after a bit of a search
  • The free version does offer 2,000 contacts, its own autoresponder and 3 funnels to play around with

Systeme Cons:

  • The builder does on occasion bug out - Including whole sections deciding to move instead of single elements or images and text increasing in size randomly
  • The autoresponder can end up in spam, and it's difficult to try and warm the IP addresses you are given
  • It can be difficult to find LM focused funnels and there are no official ones from Legendary Marketer themselves.  

Check out the full review here to see what they have to offer. 

Thrive Architect

Some will see this as a left field option, as it's not a stand alone landing page or funnel platform. Instead it's a WordPress plugin, designed to help bloggers and the like to create awesome looking websites. Like this one. 

It uses an element based builder, much like the one you will find in and it's super simple to get started with. With pre-made templates and complete funnels ready to be imported and used, Thrive can be a really powerful tool when it comes to building legendary marketer funnels. 

The Best Funnel Builder For Legendary Marketer 7 best funnel builder for legendary marketer

Of course, you are going to need to have a WordPress website set up, which can come with additional costs, on top of the cost of the plugin itself. But if you already have a blog, or website this can be a brilliant competitor to some of the other builders. 

It can also integrate with some of the big autoresponders, or use platforms such as Zapier for any it can't directly integrate with. 

Thrive Architect Pros:

  • Lots of pre-made templates, funnels and elements ready to import and use
  • A great add-on if you already have a website, and don't want to shell out for more tools or platforms
  • Drag & Drop builder means you can move elements around to create exactly what you need
  • Integrates with lots of the big autoresponders

Thrive Architect Cons:

  • I have never found a Legendary Marketer funnel, and it's difficult to import other DFY elements.
  • You will need to have a separate autoresponder to follow up with those leads
  • You will need to have WordPress + Hosting to get this set up

Check out the full Thrive Architect review here to see what they have to offer. 

Which Platform Is The Best Funnel Builder For Legendary Marketer?

All of these platforms offer a wide range of features and are perfect for businesses of all sizes. They're also all affordable options, making them great choices for businesses on a budget.

When I first got started with Legendary Marketer, I would have said ClickFunnels straight up, but that was back in 2018/2019, and the market was quite, limited. It had pre-built funnels, Legendary Marketer actively promote it and it does, for the most part integrates with most autoresponders. 

However, as times have moved on, so have the number of competitors and platforms to use. With guys like Systeme now offering share funnels, an easy to use drag and drop page builder and an inhouse autoresponder (all for free) it really has started to become one of the go-to funnel builders for succeeding with Legendary Marketer

As such, we could say that Systeme is becoming the best free funnel builder out there, especially if you are following the LM Blueprints and what they teach. 

Of course, if you are 100% on a budget, and you want to ensure you have a decent inbox rate, and you really only need simple landing pages, then GetResponse would be the email marketing platform I would recommend you start with. GetResponse is free up to 500 contacts, which should be enough to get you going. 

I would say that GetResponse are the best free landing page platform, with integrated autoresponder. The only downside is that they don't offer a full funnel builder, but that shouldn't be 100% of an issue. 

Funnel Builders & Landing Page Platforms That Didn't Make The Cut

The following platforms can still be used, but where removed from this list for a number of different reasons, but it's usually down to being buggy or complicated when it comes to trying to build a legendary marketer funnel. 


People will argue this, mainly because 'it has a good affiliate program', but I feel the tools it has on offer should be the selling point. Sadly, the majority of BuilderAll's tools, are crap. 

Most are void, or pointless and the pricing doesn't reflect the actual tools they have to offer. Just because you get a magazine creation tool as part of your $79 price, doesn't mean it's worth it. 

I have always found their funnel pages and website flat, take a while to load and fairly amateurish. They usually lack a professional feel that you may get on other platforms. 

Plus, it's buggy. 


Much the same as BuilderAll, Groove became popular for it's affiliate program, rather than it's tools and funnel building platform. It has sat in BETA for 12 - 18months and never seems to be coming out of it, even with thousands of users and hundreds of thousands of $'s raised to supposedly improve what they have on offer. 

The core funnel builder and landing page builders are ok, but I wouldn't say they are worth purchasing, or paying a lifetime $1500+ deal on. The free version may be a good place to start, but that would be about it. 

A lot of people do ask if Groove Funnels better than ClickFunnels? The answer for the moment is still a no. Unless Groove manage to find themselves, and really push their platform forward, the marketing giant that is ClickFunnels still wins that one.