For those who have gone through the 15 Day Business Builder Challenge from Legendary Marketer will know, you are provided with templates, funnels and a ton of extra information.
Unfortunately, it can leave a lot of people confused, or potentially missing some of the steps. Specifically, how to set up a legendary marketer funnel with Clickfunnels.
The reason Legendary Marketer promote, and use ClickFunnels is that they can provide you with some great funnels, quickly and easily. Their share funnels means you don't have to sit and create these from scratch.
This whole article is here to help you step by step, from choosing domains, connecting them to ClickFunnels and of course getting your funnels sorted.
I am also going to take the assumption that you have already signed up to Legendary Marketer. Their 15 Day Business Builder challenge provides you with everything you need to get started, so you will need to be signed up and on at least day 5 to get access too your DFY stuff, so keep plugging away.
Getting signed Up With ClickFunnels
Before we do anything, you are going to need to get signed up with ClickFunnels, as without ClickFunnels you are going to struggle with this article. Of course there are other funnel building platforms that can be utilised.
Thankfully, getting started with ClickFunnels is ready easy, grab your 14 day free trial from here. You should be taken to a landing page

Simply click the 'Start Free 14 Day Trial' and you will be taken to their new signup page.

ClickFunnels keep changing their signup page and sometimes it will ask for credit card information (that way it makes billing easier after the 14 day trial).
Most of the time they are just asking for an email, name and a password.
Once you have that, you are ready and going.
Importing Your Legendary Marketer Share Funnel Into ClickFunnels
This may seem like we are jumping a head of the gun, but keep with me here. As ClickFunnels makes it easier to attach a brand spanking new domains to funnels that already exist, it makes sense to do the import here.
To do this step, you need to have reached Day 3 of the 15 Day Business Builder Challenge. It will unlock the video and a number of links for you to use.

Each of these links can be Clicked and it will open up your ClickFunnels account and ask if you want to import, or forget. You of course want to choose import.

If you are part of the Legendary Marketer Affiliate Program, then you will get access to additional Custom Funnels that can be used to promote Legendary Marketer as well.
Once you have added the funnel, it's time to find a domain.
Finding A Domain - Where To Choose It
So, we have a brand new sexy ClickFunnels account, or you already had one, either way, cool. With a funnel sitting and waiting.
You are going to want a domain for this Legendary Marketer Funnel. The reason why is that without it, you end up with your funnel pages having URLS like this.

As you can see, it's just ugly, and personally I think it stops you looking like a real entrepreneur. As such, we are going to grab ourselves a cool sounding domain.
There are a number of choices here, both have their advantages, and of course, disadvantages.
- Purchase a domain from a registrar
- Purchase a domain from ClickFunnels
Purchasing A Domain From A Registrar
I usually get my domains from sites such as NameCheap or 123Reg. For the sole reason that the domains are cheap, and getting them to work with ClickFunnels is super easy.
A domain from NameCheap can cost as low as $4.99, which is pretty low. Plus, they also have a number of tools and search engines on the site to help you find the perfect domain name.
If you are struggling to think of a domain name for your new funnels, try these ideas
- YourName+OnlineBusiness
- GetPaidWith+YourName
- GetStartedWith+YourName
It can be any combination of the above, or something completely and utterly random. Though try to keep it 'business' related if you can.
Once you have found your domain, you can add it to your cart and purchase it.

There you go, a brand new domain ready and waiting inside of your registrar account. Once you have it ready, you will need to add your domain to ClickFunnels, so skip ahead here.
Purchasing A Domain From ClickFunnels
Of course, if you are feeling lazy, or simply don't want to play around with registrars, then you can grab yourself a domain from ClickFunnels.
Luckily, purchasing a ClickFunnels domain isn't that difficult, and you can get it sorted in about 5 - 10minutes.
Firstly, you want to head on over to your ClickFunnels account, then hover over your Face/account name in the top right hand corner. You should see a menu that contains Account Settings, Affiliates and Profile Settings.

Click the Account Settings and you will of course be shown the backend settings for your account, with a ton of different options.

Under the Setup Section, you should see 'Domains'.

As you can see, I have a few domains set up on my account, including some for Legendary Marketer and my own Blog Training. You will see that these are marked as 'External Domain' as I have purchased mine elsewhere.
To buy a domain from ClickFunnels, just select 'Add New Domain' and this will start walking you through all the steps you need to do.

Choose 'Register A New Domain' (Unless you have followed path A above, and you already have a domain ready!).
ClickFunnels will offer you the ability to 'Search For A Domain', which is a little lacking in any bells or whistles.

Once you have found the domain you want to use, click on the $20 button and you will be taken to the payment screen. Once paid for, you have a new domain ready and waiting to be used.
ClickFunnels should ask you what funnel you would like to associated your new domain with. Simply choose the funnel you imported earlier from the list you are shown.

Add Your Domain To ClickFunnels
This, is the tricky part, as it does differ per registrar. Thankfully a lot of them have pretty decent help documents or support teams. Be sure to utilise them and use their expertise.
This section will try and explain the generic parts and show the steps you need to do to actually get your domain inside of ClickFunnels and ready to be used.
So for this part, you want to follow the first couple of steps from the 'Purchasing A Domain From ClickFunnels' as they are quite similar.

When you get to the point of 'Register A Domain' or 'Add Your Own' we will be choosing the right hand option.
As with most of ClickFunnels systems or areas, you will be taken along a number of steps to get you set up and ready. Nothing too crazy.

Add the domain you purchased from your registrar into the box and click 'Add Domain'. You will then be shown a screen that provides a link on how to update your DNS and CName records. They do try and cover the majority of registrars.

Once you have done the steps requested, you should see a screen that says success and the ability to select a funnel to associate your domain with.

As the domain isn't within the ClickFunnels eco system, you will probably see that is says Unverified when you are taken to your domain list.

No need to panic, simply click your domain name, it should be highlighted in blue and it will take you to the domain settings screen.

Click the huge Verify button and wait. Sometimes this step can take 24-48 hours. As registrars essentially have to notify the world that if anyone goes to the domain name, they should instead go see ClickFunnels. So don't worry if this step takes a while.
Eventually, you will see that sign turn green with a 'Verified' status.
Once you are verified, your final step is to add an SSL layer to the domain. This add the tiny padlock you see on sites and essentially tells the world that you are secure and real.

On the 'Domain Setting' list, you will see a section for SSL. New domains will say 'Not Enabled' or similar, with a huge button to say Activate or Turn On. Again this may take a few minutes to activate, so don't worry too much.
You now have a verified domain, attached to a funnel. Technically you can stop here and get started with the rest of Legendary Marketer.
Setting Your Domain To Any Imported Funnels
As you go through your journey, both with Legendary Marketer or maybe other affiliate programs, you will find new funnels to import and use.
You can of course buy more domains for each funnel, or you can use the domain you purchased before and simply 'attach' that domain to brand new funnels.
Firstly, you are going to want to find the funnel that you want to use and of course open it up. Once there, you should see a number of options at the top of the page.

For this, we want to navigate to the 'Settings' button, which will provide you with a whole host of options for you to choose from, though we are only interested in domains.

Selecting domain will offer you all domains that you have associated with your account. Simply choose the domain you want to attach to your funnel, and ClickFunnels will automatically update every step for you instantly.
Alternative Funnel Platforms To Checkout
Not everyone wants to use ClickFunnels to create or host their funnels, which is fine. There are so any ClickFunnel alternatives to look into, with a variety of different price points, functionality and of course features. Check out these free ClickFunnels alternatives if you are running low on cash. is a funnel builder that had the review treatment a while back, and has become really popular with the Legendary Marketer community (they have a free version, which is one of the big reasons).
If you are interested in learning how to set up a Legendary Marketer Funnel with Systeme then check this article out.
How To Set Up A Legendary Marketer Funnel With ClickFunnels - Conclusion
So there we go, hopefully a super simple way to get your new legendary marketer funnel. If you get stuck, be sure to reach out to ClickFunnels, or your chosen Registrar who are usually pretty happy to help you.
Updating your DNS and CNAME records can take up to 48 hours, so be prepared to wait and have a little patience. A lot of people will set everything up and expect it to be instant. If things are still waiting after that 48 hour window, hit up your Registrar support and check that you have followed the steps that ClickFunnels provides.

I started this blog around 2017, after realising that I wanted to let people know about all the different ways someone could make money online. From DropShipping, Affiliate Marketing, Network Marketing and more.
This blog has now grown to review and explain a variety of different tools and platforms, in the bid to help you.
This blog contains affiliate links, and I will get a commission for purchases made through these links. It doesn’t change anything for you and will on occasion save you money! Enjoy, James.