Savage Affiliates Review Summary;

Savage Affiliates is a steal. For the price, you are going to get a lot for your money. Other courses go for 2-4x this price and some of them are awful! I can't think of a better affiliate marketing course for the price.

Ease of USe
The site uses which is a membership / training site that allows you to host your videos and training material. It's awful to navigate, but I can't blame Frankling for that! It doesn't play nicely on mobile, so keep that in mind.

The course is completely packed with 10 modules and 70 videos. Most of the videos are a decent length, though Franklin can sometimes get distracted and go off track a little.

It can take a few days to get replies, and on the odd occasion a few months, but the Facebook group is there as a backup channel in case you just have normal questions.
Summary: Frank is very knowledgeable about Affiliate Marketing, and has proven time and time again he can smash it. The course is one of the best value affiliate marketing courses I have come across, with a lot of information, especially for the price. Great for beginners or those with some exposure to affiliate marketing. Want to read more, check out the Savage Affiliates review below.
$197 One Time Fee - No Upsells Or 'Extras'
Savage Affiliates 2.0 now offers 2 Tiers $197 - $298 (current prices)
Savage Affiliates has just got a huge boost click below!
->The Savage Affiliates 2.0 Review Is Here <-
For those who have not seen the YouTube channel, the eCom Turbo Premium Shopify theme or even the eCom Elites course, Franklin Hachett is (or at least was once) an underground entrepreneur who specialises in DropShipping and Affiliate marketing.
If you have read my review on his eCom Turbo Shopify theme, then you will know that I am a fan of his, especially with the low prices he charges for his products.
This course is designed for those who are complete beginners to affiliate marketing, but it is a must have for those who are already through their journey but want to get that little extra!
The best thing about Affiliate Marketing, is that once you have the core foundations down, and the right exposure, you can make money for as long as the products are available.
Sites I have set up in the past using the Amazon Affiliate still provide me with a steady stream of cash without needing to do anything. Set up once, and forget.
What Is Savage Affiliates Course?
At the time of writing, the Savage Affiliate course is currently accepting new applications, but you will need to be quick as Franklin likes to close it on occasion to allow students to get access to help!
I happen to be one of the lucky ones, as I have purchased both the eCom Elites & eCom Turbo from Franklin in the past, so I was given first dibs on the course when it arrived!
The course itself is made up of 9 Modules (with an added bonus module that focuses on Funnels) with well over 100 videos.
The Savage Affiliate course is packed with content, this is not some 10 video Udemy course costing you $400.
I could stop the review now and just cap it off and say 'Savage Affiliates is not a scam' and then let you reap the benefits! But I like to be thorough!
What Is Inside Of Savage Affiliates?
As above, the Savage Affiliate course is split into 9 modules, each with a large number of HD videos held within the module.

If you can't see from the image, you are given the following modules
Module 1 - Affiliate Introduction
The majority of this section is laying the foundation and the groundwork for the rest of the affiliate course.
Franklin goes over How Affiliate Marketing works, a quick intro to SEO and also free / paid for traffic methods. Don't worry he goes into more details later in their own module!
I would recommend watching the video that states 'Important Steps' as this goes through the important of Privacy Policies, Affiliate Disclaimers and the legal bits and pieces.
Module 2 - Niches And Products
Right, lets get into the weeds with this!
This is the first Module that is packed too the brim with information. The whole section has 12 different videos (I believe Franklin has said he will be adding a bit more into this module when he drops Savage Affiliates v2).
Franklin kicks off the module by teaching you how to find niches or areas that you can start to promote and giving you the basics on ways to find profitable ones.
Remember, you can make money from nearly any niche!
He then moves on to teaching you how to find products, that fit within these niches.
There are a variety of places that you can start to find product, and thankfully Savage Affiliates covers a number of marketplaces, including ClickBank, Amazon, JVZoo and Share a Sale.
There are more affiliate marketplaces that you can find products on, but if you are new too this game, I would stick to the ones that the course provides.
Franklin also explains how you can make quite a pretty penny by teaching people how to set up blogs and market hosting providers (For example BlueHost!).
There are a number of high profile affiliates who make thousands, upon thousands of $$ per month from telling people about different web hosting companies.
Module 3 - Building Your Assets
It's time to get your domains, websites and email building lists in order!
This module is focused on using helping you set up your website (Franklin uses WordPress) to get the job done.
For those who have been in the web game for a while will know how WordPress works, but for those who might have come from a different background such as Amazon or eBay selling, or even coming from a Shopify background this module is a great crash course!
You are also treated to videos that focus on how to choose the right domain name for your new venture, and how to install useful plugins to get you up and running.
One of the plugins / themes Franklin recommends is called Thrive Themes, and I can 100% agree with Franklin, it's amazing! I would recommend checking out it.
The final sections focus on how to build an email list (Yes, if a guru hasn't told you that email lists are the money makers, then that Guru doesn't know what they are on about!). Frank does show you how to set up your email provider, a basic funnel and how to start making money from these guys.
Update: There is also a section on setting up social media chat bots (if you ever sign up to any of Franks newer webinars, or similar then you will notice he starts to use chat bots and messenger integrations to get you interact with his social media accounts!) Facebook loves interactions these days, so definitely give that one a read!
Module 4 - ClickBank Affiliate Marketplace (The Granddad of Affiliate Marketing)
So, this whole section is 20+ videos long.
Yeah, 27 videos on how to get started on one of the biggest affiliate market places known to man.
When I first started with Affiliate Marketing, Clickbank was one of the first places I started, and it took me ages to get my head around this.
Franklin provides you with a ton of information, starting with the premise behind ClickBank (It's a free marketplace!).
ClickBank is one of the most popular marketplaces, because it's quick and easy to get set up.
The first videos in this section focus on setting your account up, and filling in your tax/VAT and payment information. It's boring, but it needs to be done.
Next up, Franklin goes through the basics on traffic sources (There are more videos that go into depth for this), the types of products you want to choose, or even the services you can start to promote!

As you can see from the snippet, the Savage Affiliates course also goes into how the products are displayed, how to get the links, what gravity, average customer value is and other words and stats you will get thrown at you!
The final section gives you step by step videos on how to set up one of the most popular type of Affiliate sites, review sites (Oh look at that!).
In these videos he explains how to set them up, what types of themes to use.
Again using a theme from places like ThemeForest helps, and then using a Drag & Drop builder like Thrive Themes Architect on top of your standard theme opens up a number of possibilities.)
As a bonus, Franklin also provides 4 scenarios, and gives you a whole process from start to finish with products he finds on the marketplace.
Module 5. Amazon Affiliate (Also known as Amazon Stripe or Amazon Associates)
As with the ClickBank module, Franklin covers a bit about the background to Amazon Affiliates (and the multiple other names it's known as).
He thankfully provides a few examples of the different types of Amazon Affiliate websites.
He also includes a video on a $30,000,000 (Yeah, $30m) website.
How is that for motivation!
For those who don't know (and yes this spoils one of the videos) is that The New York Times, purchased a website for $30m. Seriously, check it out here.
The website itself was focused on providing reviews and information on different products, that would then link to Amazon listings.
It's current estimate worth is over $65m... not a bad deal for a website that essential did Top 5's and reviews!
Thankfully, Franklin provides you with the details on how to find niches, how to look at other websites and see how they are ranking. He also includes modules on understanding a websites backlinking profile, how many social shares they have and the overall SEO of the website.
For this Franklin uses a tool called AHREFs (it can be expensive, though he does provide a way of getting AHREFS for cheap..). If you are a little tight on a budget, you can look at other tools such as It is cheaper, but obviously doesn't come with such a huge range of tools!
The Savage Affiliates course later modules cover how to build your new Amazon Affiliate website, focusing on the overall site layout, the article structure (yes this can help) and also how to try and rank for certain keywords (think long tail, rather than standard ones).
Franklin really does provide you with the information that you need, in some easy to read and listen too videos. The above image shows a silo structure and how this can help both rank and make your website easy to crawl and read.
The last part of the module covers niche examples (Savage Affiliates does also cover what he likes to call hybrid, which is essentially an Authority website but with a focus on a certain niche).
For me, when I started out at University doing a lot of this, I had no clue. So I used to create review articles and try and cram in as many links as possible. Franklin shows you the right way!
Module 6 & 7 & 8- The Traffic Modules
This part can actually be split into 3 separate headings, but for simplicity I will keep them under one. These three modules focus on the different ways in which you can gain traffic towards your blog, website or offers.
For those who have little, or no budget, I would focus on looking at Module 6.
Module 6 - SEO Traffic
This module focuses increasing your Search Engine Optimisation and learning how to make your website look sexy in the eyes of Google & Bing (other search engines are available..).
Section 6 is packed with videos, currently sitting at 29. Franklin covers everything from how to ensure your on page SEO is on point (think keyword density, diversity and ensuring your images have ALT tags!). He also covers the wider aspects of link diversity, ensuring your website loads as quickly, or as smoothly as possible.
A number of videos are devoted to actually building links back to your website, including using a technique called Web 2.0 (Using blogs to create articles and lightly dusting the articles with links to your own article pages), answering Quora questions (by far one of my favourite methods) and also using other techniques such as Private Blog Networks or Tumblers!
The course also gives you tips on increasing social presence, and ensuring you are posting links on social platforms such as Twitter or Facebook, and trying to find ways of increasing the shares.
Module 7 - Paid Traffic
Here you are going to learn the art of paying companies to bring in leads, readers and potentially customers.
Franklin covers how to use Solo Ads to build up your email list. He also goes into how to use both Google Adwords and Facebook ads.
You have 10 videos inside this module that cover just Facebook training (Can you guess how Franklin gets a lot of his traffic). You will get taught all the basics, from setting up your Facebook ad account and getting your pixel sorted, onto more fun aspects such as how to ensure your campaign is staying on track and the total cost of each lead. These are important areas to focus on, and I would recommend watching this part a good few times if you are going to focus on this for your traffic sources.
The next part for me was brilliant, I love using Solo ads, and I have even done reviews on Solo Ads sites such as 10DollarSoloAds, but they have their place. Solo Ads are great for list building, but you have to remember people who are on these lists, like being on lists..and your overall ClickThrough rate or purchasing rate may be lower than other methods.
The final number of videos focus on Google and the beast that is Adwords. Google Adwords can be massively lucrative, but you need to know how to target the right keywords, set up the campaigns and ways of ensuring you don't spend money on keywords that are unprofitable. Luckily Google makes this VERY easy for you. They make a few $B for a reason..
Module 8 - Free Traffic!
Many people who start in the world of Affiliate Marketing or Online Money Making methods, don't usually have a lot to spend, which is why it's so good that Franklin's course is so god damn cheap, seriously, $197 for all this and we still have 1 module and a bonus one left!
Free traffic, requires work. Don't be fooled!
Here you will learn how to get traffic from your email list (See Solo Ads + SEO) but also from creating your own YouTube channel and sending people back from there.
You can again tell that Franklin uses YouTube for a lot of the traffic, as he provides 10 videos on how to set the channel up and how to start ranking for keywords.
Module 9 - Email Marketing (Time to build a list!)
This is the final of the core modules that you get within the Savage Affiliates course.
You will hear the phrase, 'The Money is in the lists' and it's true. Having a good, healthy list is a valuable asset. But don't think you can abuse them, they will leave!
This part doesn't really touch on how to build the list, though you do get ideas through other parts of the modules.
One way, and it's one of the best ways I find is to provide value or essentially bribe your potential subscriber. You can give people a free eBook (perhaps how to drive traffic from Social Media) or you can give them free training and give them a boost on how to get started in the world of Affiliate Marketing.
Right, back on subject.
This module really concentrates on increasing click through rates, setting up newsletters or broadcasts as some email providers call them. Franklin also covers building automated campaigns (used to be called autoresponders) to ensure that you provide constant value and emails too your list.
The course ends with building your emails list with software called ClickFunnels, again others have noted that this seems a bit odd and a bit lost here, but for those who follow Franklin, it seems he may have been building up too offering some free advice, and the way he captures those leads, was through the ClickFunnels system.
Savage Affiliates Bonus 1 - Talk to Frank
To be fair, I wouldn't really count it as a bonus, but buying into the Savage Affiliates course, does give you access too Frank.
Franklin allows you to send questions that you may have via his email, and he always provides decent answers.
Savage Affiliate Bonus 2 - Savage Affiliates Facebook Group
Another way of getting in touch with Franklin, is the Savage Affiliate private Facebook group.
Now as far as I know, this is a limited time offer, and it may not be available, so be sure to double check when you sign up!
The Facebook group is a nice little extra, and does contain plenty of questions and answers from students who come from all walks of life.
Your 30 Day Money Back Guarantee
As with all of Franklin products, and training, he offers a 30 day money back guarantee.
This gives you a full 30 days to try Savage Affiliates and see if it's for you, if it's not and you have done a decent crack at it, drop him a message and request your refund.
This alone gives you peace of mind and helps you realise the Savage Affiliates is not a scam!
How Much Is Savage Affiliates?
Considering the price of this course, I think Franklin would be a bit of a nutter to offer a further discount for Savage Affiliates.
The price itself is currently at $197.
I believe that the price really can't be discounted beyond it's crazy low price as it is, and the whole Savage Affiliates course blows many of the $500 - $2500 courses that other people like to offer.
Be weary of any website that is offering a discount on any of Franklin courses, they are trying to scam you!
Savage Affiliates Review, My final verdict
As you can see from reading through this Savage Affiliates review, I would class Franklin Hatchett course as one of the best courses for affiliate marketer beginners, but also for those looking for something that doesn't break the bank.
The total course with over 100 videos and the ability to ask questions and get meaningful answers means this whole course is an absolute bargain.
Franklin Hatchett brings his own type of humour and training within this course, and some people might hate it, but it's a no BS approach to how to really get into Affiliate Marketing and making money online.
Any one from a seasoned professional, to a complete novice will get some useful information from this course!
Other 'Gurus' have charged 5 - 10X the cost of this course, with less content!
So this makes this course a bargain!
Savage Affiliates
- Packed with useful information from someone who knows his stuff
- Easy to follow step by step guides
- Access to the Master Mind Group as a bonus
- More value than some of the other affiliate courses out there
- 10 Modules & well over 70 videos, that's a lot of content
- He does go off track sometimes, but to be fair, it's quite funny.
- Can take a day or two to reply to support tickets (Though he runs a one man band)

I started this blog around 2017, after realising that I wanted to let people know about all the different ways someone could make money online. From DropShipping, Affiliate Marketing, Network Marketing and more.
This blog has now grown to review and explain a variety of different tools and platforms, in the bid to help you.
This blog contains affiliate links, and I will get a commission for purchases made through these links. It doesn’t change anything for you and will on occasion save you money! Enjoy, James.
Your link that is supposed to go to Franklin’s 4 day free training actually goes to a Russell Brunson products. Can you give us the correct link, please?
Hi Tess,
Sorry, I need to remove that link entirely at least, for the time being, the training and funnel need to be updated due to changes with ClickFunnels policies, and I, unfortunately, have not had time to update the wording.
If you join Franklins Facebook Group he has a link to the current training.
Just tell him who sent you! 🙂
Hey James,
Cool review man. Thanks for sharing. Gonna have a scan around at the reviews of some of your other articles.
Just an FYI, some of your images are really pixelated and hard to see. Other than that, great article.
Thanks Elliot, looks like the page had a bit of a blip. Should all be working fine now 🙂