If you visit sites such as Quora you may have noticed there are hundreds of questions asking people what are some of the top affiliate programs to make money with, I have answered it so many times, I thought I would go through some of the best affiliate programs that have worked for me in 2019 and I believe will keep working in 2020.
These affiliate programs are not in any particular order, because they each have their pros and cons, which I will try and talk about as I go through the different platforms and offers.
If you are new to Affiliate Marketing, then this list might give you a great place to get started. With the added benefit of my help if you do decide to take some of these on board!
If you want to learn more about what Affiliate Marketing is, or you are a complete beginner, I would suggest checking out these training course (they are all amazing).
1. Legendary Marketer
A self contained program designed to teach entrepreneurs how to create their own online business, Legendary Marketer is a program that any affiliate marketer would want to have as a program or course to promote.
The training provided is hugely valuable, and at a great price, with their 15 day business builder challenge costing just $7. With recent changes to their program it looks like you will need to at least have done that to be accepted onto the affiliate program, with some stating you need to be enrolled on their $30 a month blueprint program (again worth the time).
The downside to the program, if you do get accepted and you happen to have a free account, you only make around 20% commissions, whereas if you sign up to the monthly premium account you make up to 70%. Definitely worth it in my eyes, considering some of the commissions are up to $15k.
Legendary Marketer also offer multiple streams of income, from other platforms such as ClickFunnels and even Aweber.
2. BuilderAll
I have a love hate relationship with this platform, the tools that they offer are brilliant, especially for the price. BuilderAll currently have nearly 40 different tools on that platform, from funnel builders to Chatbots and social proof tools to help increase conversions.
The whole platform is basically a web developers or website builders dream, you can pretty much build everything on that platform.
Some people liken BuilderAll to ClickFunnels or call them ClickFunnels less developed brother, but I think it can be a contender if they keep going in the right direction.
One of the reasons I like to promote them, and why I believe it's a top affiliate program to make money with, especially going into 2020 is because they offer a 100% commission on the first sale, and then 30% monthly commissions on the lifetime of the customer, with many entrepreneurs staying for months, if not years due to the growing number of tools and builders.
The second best part, is that you can actually build a team of Affiliates (a bit like I have) and earn an additional 30% from them. This 2 tier system can be very powerful if you are a good affiliate marketer, with a strong team behind you.
3. ClickFunnels & Their Products
This funnel building marketing genius platform where always going to be on this list, because they are so well known. You can go anywhere without seeing an advert for one of their master classes, live events or any number of Russel's Amazing books (check out the free section in the header above).
The reason you see them so much, is because they work very well at doing the one thing they where designed to do. Sell stuff. Well, actually sell stuff through funnels.
The dream car affiliate program is also one of the most well known affiliate programs to make money with, due to the fact they offer to 'pay for your car', which is essentially giving you a bump to your commission pay-packet.
They recently changed their commission structure, so more inline with Builderall, whereby you get paid 30% per month, and if you are a good affiliate you can get bumped to 40%.
A good reason to get into promoting ClickFunnels is the fact the funnels they have are very good, but also the sales funnels they have internally to sell products are amazing. The free books that Russel promotes can end up making you $$$'s, by simply giving them a book.
The best part is, the up sells and cross-selling is always worth it to the customer. They will receive a huge stack of value from taking those higher cost up sells.
4. The New Secret Platform
Something that I have been working with for around 8 weeks now, this platform is a little different from other affiliate platforms, because you don't really take a commission, you take the full price of the training.
You are essentially selling access to a huge library of training material, as well as access to super affiliates and what I usually class as Superman affiliates (those who really do make some massive commissions).
If you are interested to find out more about promoting the system, you do need to purchase it and go through some of their training (though not all if you are already knowledgeable about affiliate marketing).
The platform contains multiple different options to suit different needs, from 'how to start your own online business' to 'how to improve sales' and more 'masterclass' style teaching, which can really elevate people beyond the simple $8 commissions that so many people chase.
5. Wealthy Affiliate
This particular platform get's a lot of love, but also equal amounts of hate, due to the nature of how many of it's affiliates like to promote it.
I have spoken about it in the past, in which many of them will just slate other (very good) programs to then market Wealthy Affiliate as the pinnacle of all man kind.
It's not, Wealthy Affiliate is a very well put together training platform, with tons of amazing content, with a lot of very knowledgeable people, and one of the reason people stay around and join the premium membership is down the fact they teach a ton of stuff.
They are a platform over over 100,000s members (it might be into the 1mill territory these days) if not more, who all know lots of different aspects of Affiliate Marketing and can be called upon to answer basically any question you have.
You don't earn any commissions from people signing up for the free membership (other than a $2 lead bonus) but being honest, the free membership is quite limiting.
If someone is new, then it's great because they get free hosting and some basic training, but most people will usually grab a few months of membership to take themselves to the next level, so it's worth providing the free membership to those who are completely new and may not have the money to buy a full course outright.
So there are my 5 top affiliate programs to make money with in 2020, many of which you might have seen a theme with. They all offer customers value, with a fairly generous commission system associated with it. Some of them have bonuses or up-sells that can get you large high ticket commissions, where as others simply offer multiple tiers to allow you to build a team of like minded individuals.
Whatever you choose, good luck!
I started this blog around 2017, after realising that I wanted to let people know about all the different ways someone could make money online. From DropShipping, Affiliate Marketing, Network Marketing and more.
This blog has now grown to review and explain a variety of different tools and platforms, in the bid to help you.
This blog contains affiliate links, and I will get a commission for purchases made through these links. It doesn’t change anything for you and will on occasion save you money! Enjoy, James.