The ClickFunnels affiliate program is a great way to make money online. With a large range of tools, books and software, there are a number of different ways to earn with their program.
You'll be able to promote ClickFunnels and their tools on your blog posts or videos. This could lead new customers to sign up for their services. The best part about this opportunity is that there are no limits on what you can do with it!
If you're a blogger or content creator, then this is an amazing opportunity for you. If you win their awards, this can bring a lot of exposure.
The ClickFunnels Affiliate Program has undergone quite a few changes. As such I have finally decided to give this article a bit of a makeover.
The major changes only affect those who signed up after November 2019 and hadn't earned $100 with the affiliate program. But, as always I will explain all below.
What Is ClickFunnels?
For those who don't know, ClickFunnels is a Software as a Service (or SAS) product. They allow you to build simple and easy to use 'Funnels' to generate leads and money.
They are a self-hosted, drag and drop funnel builder. Providing you with tools to create a variety of different landing pages, bridge pages, and of course, funnels. They also provide courses, software and marketing books.
Who Is ClickFunnels Used By?
ClickFunnels is used for a variety of different business areas. It isn't tied down to Affiliate Marketing or the 'make money online' niche.
I have seen and even used to use ClickFunnels to sell physical products. It can also be used to sell courses, membership, subscription services and so much more.
The physical product funnel can be a brilliant one to promote if you are in the eCommerce space. It can also be great for the DropShipping niche, as so many of them rely on a small number of products to generate their revenue.

It can also be used by those who want to create their own affiliate programs by using their higher tier option that opens up a variety of extra tools.
If you want to read a bit more in-depth about ClickFunnels, then give this review a read!
How Do I Sign Up To The ClickFunnel Affiliate Program?
If you are a clickfunnels user, then you already have access to the affiliate program.
Simple head over to your dashboard and hover over the account icon, and you will find the affiliates link, this will take you too the dashboard.
You can also turn on/off the 'Badge Commissions' option here. This will offer anyone who uses it a free 14 day trial.

If you don't use ClickFunnels, or you want to promote them without owning it, then check out 'WhatsYourDreamCar'.
Though, there is currently no guarantee you will get accepted. Taking the OneFunnelAway challenge or the ClickFunnels boot camp may help. But there is no guarantee and there is no solid answer here.
What Does The ClickFunnels Affiliate Program Contain?
This is the part of the program that has undergone quite a lot of change. I have decided to split this out a little more to help those who may have become quite confused.
The Main Subscription
The core of the affiliate program from ClickFunnels, is the ClickFunnels subscription.
If you don't promote ClickFunnels, or you are not an affiliate marketer as a living, you can turn on the 'Badge Commission' button for your account. This will earn 20% commissions from anyone who decides to sign up to the ClickFunnels program through that link.
March 2020 Changes
Every new ClickFunnels affiliate will now only get 20% per month from people they sign up (via a badge). You will also not be able to promote ClickFunnels via a direct link.
After you have earned $1000 in commission in a month, you can apply to get a direct link. You will also be able to earn 30% commissions. Once you have 40 paying members underneath you each month you can then boost that up to 40%.
Russel Brunsons Books
ClickFunnels has a growing number of books that an affiliate can promote to their followers, readers or viewers.
The two most famous books are Expert Secrets and Doctom Secrets. Both of which are part of a value ladder funnel. These funnels show a low price for the books but then show other offers that are more valuable, but also more expensive.
The value ladder funnels now offer 40% across the whole funnel. giving you the potential to earn around $900 for promoting the books.

Network Marketing secrets is one of the lesser-known books, but as with the other, it is part of a value ladder. Promoting this could result in a total commission cheque of $17. The number of products within this funnel is a lot lower, hence the lower commissions.
The Traffic Secrets book launched in 2020. The associated funnel offers access to the Secrets Trilogy, the One Funnel away challenge, and even a podcast. All these offers add up to a total commission take-home of $249 if they take all the offers. Considering this is from a 'FREE' book.
Copy Writing Secrets is a book written by Jim Edwards. The book is for those who want to write ads, landing pages or ad style emails. . Quite a good book to be fair, so if you haven't grabbed it, I would recommend it.
As with the others, it is priced low to encourage users to jump on the funnel. The extra offers are then shown to them or emailed over a period of time. The total value in commission is over $300.
As you can see, there are many books that you can earn 40% commissions across their full-funnel, resulting in a nice payday.
Training & Challenges
ClickFunnels have re-done their training sections. Especially around using ClickFunnels and being an affiliate.
Two of these programs are free to join, but then have an up-sell to the other program. Promoting these result in a $100 commission.
ClickFunnels Affiliate Bootcamp
CF Affiliate Bootcamp was a set of videos around how to get started with Affiliate Marketing. It was updated to include information about ClickFunnels and ways to utilise CF to help you succeed.
These days, it is a little different.
The Affiliate Bootcamp is now a very valuable set of plans and interviews, with CF Affiliates (or Super Affiliates). They were asked how would you kick start your affiliate business, in 100 days.
It's a bit like the 30 Day Challenge that Russel also started in 2019, except this is designed to be agnostic of platforms or techniques.
For a free training course, it's a great way of getting people introduced to both affiliate marketing, and ClickFunnels.
The 100 Day Affiliate Bootcamp, does funnel users into the paid-for One Funnel Away Challenge. Resulting in a $100 commission if they take the offer.
The 30 Day Summit
Another new set of training, videos and information that appeared in 2019, is another precursor to the One Funnel Away Challenge.
The 30 Day Summit, is a lot like the new and improved Affiliate Bootcamp. Though these guys were given a ClickFunnels account, an internet connection and 30 days to get their business up and running.
As with the Affiliate Bootcamp, this 30-day summit is free to join and then leads onto the One Funnel Away upsell.
It's quite a good summit for people to attend. It actually gives people ideas on what they might do in the One Funnel Away Challenge. At the time of me doing it, they were part of the same package.
The 30 Day summit won't earn you a commission. After the 30-day videos, they will be offered the OFA. Again, you will then earn $100.
The One Funnel Away Challenge
A training course that I feel has taken a hammering over the last few months. With crazy bonuses thrown around and funnels that only promote this challenge. You will find a lot of new affiliate marketers not quite knowing what they are doing with this training.
The information inside of the challenge, paired with the 30 Day Summit or the Affiliate Boot-camp can actually be pretty decent.
The challenge takes people from coming up with an original idea to a finished product.
For the $100 it costs it's not a bad little course. The downside is it only focuses on ClickFunnels. You will find the last few days offering upsells and pushing products towards you.
As with the others, you will earn $100 per user who signs up. You will also get a % of their recurring monthly subscription if they decide to take ClickFunnels as well.
March 2020 Update
New affiliates will only get 20% of this subscription until they have earned $1000 in a month. This is bumped to 30% after $1000 of commissions. Then 40% once they have 40+ paying subscriptions under them each month.
Tools & Additional Resources
ClickFunnels has lots of tools and resources that can be promoted as extra items alongside ClickFunnels, or even on their own.
These can be a great way of earning either lots of small commissions or a few large commissions depending on what you choose to promote.
Lead Funnels
A product that went live towards the end of 2019. The lead funnels file is 100+ different lead funnels for your customers to start generating commissions from.
The swipe file costs $7, so you will only get about $3 for promoting it. But it's a great way of knowing if they are interested in other ClickFunnel products.
Funnel Scripts
A mid tier affiliate offer, offering this can result in a $300 commission. It doesn't have to be promoted to people who love ClickFunnels, any marketer would love this.
The Funnel Script generator is a program created by Jim Edwards, yep same guy as above. It helps you generate emails, sales copy, headlines, ads and even webinars, without needing to do a lot of the heavy lifting.
See what I mean about being useful to just about any marketer.
If you haven't tried it, you can try the 'lite' version here. You can see the type of headlines and results it can give you.
How Can I Promote ClickFunnels
As with a lot of affiliate marketing, it's really up to you, and what fits in with your particular audience.
March 2020 Update
If you are new to ClickFunnels, and as such are only on the 20% subscription commission tier, then I would look at promoting the following products to build up leads and sales.
- Any of the ClickFunnels Books - You can eventually earn high ticket commissions from these
- 30 Day Summit / Affiliate Boot Camp / Brick & Mortar Summit - They all lead to the One Funnel Away Challenge
- One Funnel Away Challenge Directly
I would also look at aiming to promote and sell one of the higher ticket products each month. This can boost you towards the $1k a month benchmark to ensure you can earn 30% per month on the subscriptions.
You can promote these via Solo ads, standard adverts, SEO and blogging, YouTube or even via outreach with your audience.
Affiliates have also succeeded in a huge variety of ways when it comes to promoting ClickFunnels. Resulting in some of the best training out there straight from the horse's mouth.
Can You Make Money From The ClickFunnels Affiliate Program?
As with anything, it does need time and effort, but yes, you can make money from the ClickFunnels Affiliate Program. You do need to find a unique angle, and I would recommend going through the ClickFunnels Affiliate Bootcamp. This will offer 15 different ideas on how to sell ClickFunnels.
After the March 2020 update, new affiliates do need to reach that $1000 in commission before they get access to higher monthly commissions. Access to promote the monthly subscription via the link is also opened at this point.
This equates to around 50 monthly subscribers or 1 or 2 of the big high ticket products that stem from the books. Or even 10 One Funnel Away Challenges.
It is fair to say that the ClickFunnels affiliate program is not a lucrative as it may have been. There is a much higher emphasis on the books and the software, and of course how ClickFunnels can help businesses grow. With a move away from the 'business in a box' or share funnels. But, you can still make money from it.
If you are serious about promoting ClickFunnels and its products. I would find a previous winner who has done well with the product and the affiliate program. Either get one of the above courses or learn from the free advice they offer or videos they do.

I started this blog around 2017, after realising that I wanted to let people know about all the different ways someone could make money online. From DropShipping, Affiliate Marketing, Network Marketing and more.
This blog has now grown to review and explain a variety of different tools and platforms, in the bid to help you.
This blog contains affiliate links, and I will get a commission for purchases made through these links. It doesn’t change anything for you and will on occasion save you money! Enjoy, James.