ClickBank Breaks The Internet Review

ClickBank Breaks The Internet Review Summary;

ClickBank Breaks The Internet Review 2 clickbank breaks the internet review


For the amount of content and tooling, I would say it's worth it. Though some will be turned off by the price.

ClickBank Breaks The Internet Review 4 clickbank breaks the internet review

Ease of USe

Getting around CBU was alright, so this should be the same. Plus the tooling is drag and drop!

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2 Different Big Tools, Access To CBU, Live Training Sessions..There is a lot of content

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Never had an issue with reaching outto CBU Support, can't expect issues here. 

Summary: This is a high cost, but high value software, resource and training bundle, backed by one of the biggest affiliate marketing platforms. You are being taught how to sell high ticket items, and also automate your business. 

  • Access To ClickBank Builder
  • New Automated Webinar Software
  • Lots Of Training, Including New Training & Access To CBU
  • Access To Case Studies & Veteran Mini Course
  • A Lot Of Value Bundled Into This
  • It has a higher price point than your 'average bundle'

You might have heard some rumours, or maybe seen a few emails fly about in the last few days, talking about some new affiliate marketing training, well I have to tell you, they are true.

The guys behind one of the biggest affiliate marketing platforms, and also CB University, have created (and will soon be launching) a brand new training course, aimed at those who want to profit off big ticket commissions (we are talking the $1,000 at a time commissions).

Now, ClickBank is huge, there is no argument there, and I have said before, they know exactly what works, and what doesn't, you can't argue with that either, because they have the data, the people and the information. This is one of the reasons people have been getting so excited. 

For those who might not know about ClickBank, I will give you a bit of background, I will also talk about the guys who have created this course, and then I will also run through a full ClickBank Breaks The Internet review, looking at the course, the price and what you get for your money. 

What Is ClickBank And Why Does It Matter?

If you are new to Affiliate Marketing, or maybe you have focused on other platforms such as Amazon Affiliates, you may not have heard of or used ClickBank before. 

ClickBank is an online platform that specialises in helping entrepreneurs sell digital products, or in some cases, physical products as well. These can be eBooks, webinars, software or training products.

I would probably class ClickBank as one of the 'old guard', it's been round since the late 1990's, and has grown to around 6 million buyers, millions of affiliate marketers. 

What Is ClickBank Breaks The Internet?

Quite a catchy title to be honest, 2019 is the year of breaking the internet, or Instagram and Facebook.

The core of this program, is a new (or possibly slightly re-bundled) training course aimed solely showing entrepreneurs and markets alike, how to generate the golden egg of commissions, the $1,000 ones. It also comes with ClickBanks' own version of a funnel builder, called ClickBank Builder Unlimited (yep, the same one you get in the CBU course). It also comes with a program called WebinarX, designed to automate webinars and allow you to again earn those high ticket sales. 

It's been shown time and again that webinars are a great way of priming potential customers, as it allows people to get across their sales message in an easy to follow manner.

What's Inside?

ClickBank 2.0 Builder

The ClickBank builder originated as part of ClickBank University 2.0's premium level, as direct competitor against BuilderAll & ClickFunnels. 

It allows you to create an unlimited number of funnels, which of course can be integrated with the ClickBank platform. Surprising that.

As with similar products, it is a drag and drop builder, so you can quite easily get up and running without much trouble. 

Webinar X

An automated webinar software, designed to allow you to make high ticket commissions from pre selected webinars. There have been similar products in the past, but I'm not sure I would class them as automated. 

Break The Internet Training Videos (5 Week LIVE Coaching) 

This looks to be specific training guides designed to go alongside Webinar X and the ClickBank 2.0 Builder. 

The training will take place over 5 weeks, and will be a step by step walk-through on how to get started.  - More information is being released soon!

Case Studies & Ready To Go Webinar Offers

One thing I remember about ClickBank University, where some of the case studies you could access. They explained how people (some normal, others seasoned veterans) would go from Zero - Hero using CBU or other services. 

It's a great way to learn from other peoples mistakes, or even their triumphs. 

Access To ClickBank University (Advanced Level)

This is quite a big one to be fair, the CBU advanced level was around $100 to get access and $47 a month for the actual CBU 2.0 access, so considering they are giving this as part of the ClickBank Breaks The Internet means you are going to get some decent training (read the review to get my views on it).

Access To The CBU Forum

A mixed one for me, I never find forums that useful these days, just due to the power of Facebook groups, but if it's a place someone can learn and get better, then hey why not. 

It looks like you are getting access to the whole forum, so you will see tons of questions and answers and useful posts. 

Mini Courses With Affiliate Veterans & Pros

Still waiting on information about this, i.e what people will be giving information and how much, but this should be really good. 

Who Has Created ClickBank Breaks The Internet?

This new training course and software has been put together by one of the same guys who created ClickBank University, Justin Atlan. 

A serial entrepreneur, who started in the affiliate marketing game when he was only 18, and he teamed up with ClickBank to create their successful ClickBank University and ClickBank University 2.0. 

How Much Will ClickBank Breaks The Internet Cost?

So, for the whole ClickBank Breaks The Internet Bundle cost will be a one time payment of $2497 (including a special discount of $494 below) or 3 x payments of $997 (sorry, can't add the discount this way)

Most people will probably get turned off from that, which is pair enough, $2497 is not a small amount, but you are getting quite a lot for your money. Let's break it down a little. 

ClickBank Builder alone costs around $594 (with discount) which, to be fair with the recent change from ClickFunnels is a steal now. 

I expect the Webinar X software if sold as a standalone product, which it may happen in the future will again be between $594 - $997. This bit of kit will be one to watch out for, though I think you are going to want the training to fully utilise this. 

Getting access to the whole of the CBU Training (Advanced Level) adds another $150 cost to the package, this would have also cost you $47 a month on top of that and it looks like they are giving you all that stuff as a bonus.

The live coaching and training for the next 5 weeks, I can't really put a price onto that, but I am going to say that Justin's time is going to be worth a fair chunk of change, and similar training classes that look at helping those sell high ticket items sell between $1,497 - $4,997 and I recently picked up a course from quite a well known guy for $3,497 and that was just the training, nothing else.

Add on top of the mini courses, forum access, case studies and the whole host of other stuff that these guys are throwing into this bundle, it quickly looks like a bargain. 

One thing to remember, unlike other courses or software..ClickBank actually require their sellers to offer a 30 day money back guarantee. So if you are not happy with what you get, email their support guys, explain the situation and boom. You can move on with your day and look for something else.

You can grab their free 'How To Generate $1,000 Commissions' book here if you want to get started on that first. 

What I Like About ClickBank Breaks The Internet (So Far)

From the information that we know so far, I am liking the sound of this training and software bundle, but there are a few things that stick out. 

It's aimed at higher ticket commissions

I think that's important, this training and the software and tools provided is aimed at teaching you how to focus on the high ticket, high commission products. It takes the same amount of effort to sell a $7 product as a $700 product. Sometimes it's actually harder to get someone to part with $7, trust me..I direct people to a full 15 day build your own business course for $7 and people don't get why you have to pay!

Whereas someone who is willing to spend $700 or $2497 usually understand the incredible value they are getting. 

Good For All Levels

Because you are getting this step by step training, the software, the tools and the whole of CBU, this training and course sounds like it will be good for someone who is brand new, or someone who is a seasoned professional looking to expand their income stream. 

You Will Be Closer To ClickBank

Due to the nature of the training, you are going to be using and partnering with one of the biggest and oldest affiliate marketing platforms. You can access some brilliant evergreen webinars and promotions. The software is going to be working hand in glove with these types of offers.

Now, there is no guarantee that ClickBank will just auto approve you for every offer on their platform, but you are going to have an advantage by being given these webinars that have been handpicked, and possibly be handpicked in the future for you to keep utilising!

30 Day Money Back Guarantee & Payment Options

I like the fact that ClickBank have appreciated that some people may prefer to split payments to keep cashflow healthy and would rather do 3 payments, rather than one big one. 

A lot of companies have stopped doing this, which I think is a shame as it removes the opportunity from some people. 

This bundle is also covered by ClickBanks 30 day money back offer, so if you are unhappy, you can request your investment back. Again, a lot of companies have removed this, or started to make it more difficult. 

What I disliked About ClickBank Breaks The Internet

I think the only thing I would say that I 'dislike' would be the price, though not because I don't see it as worth it, just it's higher than what some people are used too. 

But, considering the lifetime access to tools etc, it's kinda worth the price point. 

As more information appears and I get inside the training, I will be sure to update (hey, I was a bit mean about CBU!)

Who Is CB Breaks The Internet For?

I believe anyone who has a passion about Affiliate Marketing will get on with this software and training bundle. 

Those who are new may get more benefit, as they may not know as much about the in's and outs of Affiliate Marketing but everyone has space to learn! No one persons know everything there is to know. 

Is It Worth It?

It depends on what you class as worth it. 

Is it worth understanding how to make high ticket commissions and getting the tools and resources to automate some of that process? Yes. 

Now, this method or training will not suit everyone, some people are happy going for low hanging fruit and trying to sell 500 $7 items a month, but that takes a lot of effort to maintain. 

You can keep buying your $17  training program that come with 4 videos, some software that doesn't really work and no way of getting your cash back that teaches you how to sell the same $17 product or explains that copying and pasting news articles will make you a $$$$ instantly. Or you can invest in a product and course that will teach you how to aim for and promote products and services that only require 4 or 5 sales a month to earn a real side hustle. 

If you are skeptical how it works, I suggest picking up the $1,00 Commission Manual and getting a head-start. 

Would I Say ClickBank Breaks The Internet Is A Scam? 

I hate when people claim that products or services are scams, especially if its unfounded or designed to try and get people to purchase something else.

There is so much mistrust on the internet these days, that everyone believes everything is a scam. This is not the case. 

From all the information we have so far, this training course and tooling bundle, is going to be great. The course is run by a seasoned veteran of Affiliate Marketing, it's backed up by one of the biggest Affiliate Marketing platforms and they have proven themselves before with CBU and CBU 2.0, did it have downsides? Of course, they always do, but that doesn't make CBU a scam and it doesn't make this one either.

Plus, you get a nice refund policy, scammers rarely provide that!

This is one of the reasons I decided to write this ClickBank Breaks The Internet review, to stop some of the rumours that are currently floating about. 

Final Verdict

This training and software bundle, will not be for everyone. Some people can't afford it, others prefer to hit the sell it low with volume route. 

That's fine.

I believe that the price and the value you are going to get from this course, is brilliant. I would highly recommend ClickBank Breaks The Internet training if you are serious about going full time into Affiliate Marketing. It may be one of the biggest launches in 2019 / 2020 and a lot of people are talking about it. 

If you are unsure, then I would suggest picking up the $1,000 Commission Manual, it's a free guide and it explains how to earn up to $1,00 commissions per sale. 

It's a taster of how people earn a very good living from promoting and selling higher ticket products. It will also set you up with the right mind frame to learn how the big dogs do this stuff. 

It looks like the end of 2019 is going to be a fun one, and that concludes this ClickBank Breaks The Internet Review!

See you on the webinar (you can sign up for it here)

2 thoughts on “ClickBank Breaks The Internet Review”

  1. Great post. I was checking constantly this blog and I am impressed!
    Very useful info particularly the last part 🙂

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