Profit Alliance Review

Profit Alliance Review Summary;

Profit Alliance Review 2 Profit Alliance Review


Product is currently selling for $9.95

Profit Alliance Review 3 Profit Alliance Review

Ease of USe

Fairly easy to follow along with, and navigate around the site. Their membership area is a lot better than other sites. 

The Online Student - Content


The overall training is, ok. Nothing ground breaking, but you do get DFY templates etc, which is nice. 

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I have to give them credit here. They do have some amazing support, but better than the industry standard.

Summary: Another business in a box style product, that helps new marketers getting into the online business world, with DFY content and information on how to promote Michaels last product. Nothing ground-breaking, but it's an OK course. 

  • Michael does know his audience and understands how to sell products online (and he does show that in this product)
  • Having a product and DFY content is helpful for those new to this world
  • You will at least learn the basics of marketing
  • Some of the bonuses are worth the cost of admission, especially the training on mindset and daily habits. 
  • Similar to other courses he has launched in the past
  • Some of the modules feel a bit, lacklustre. They could have been more fleshed out with more information 
  • Nothing new or that different from past products.

We are back again, with another Michael Chaney product launch, this time named 'Profit Alliance'. After the 7-Figure Affiliate & 7-Figure Launch products earlier this year, I decided to get review access and see what this one might contain.

Which means, we are going to dive into this Profit Alliance Review, to see what this new product will offer, if it's any different from the other recent launches, and of course if I think you should drop it. 

Who Is Michael Chaney?

For those who haven't check out past product reviews from this guy, you may have zero clue who Michael Chaney is, and why you should care who he is or what he does. 

Michael Chaney is a 20 year veteran of the online marketing game, with a large number of online products making $000,000's each launch. With at least 12,000 students, he definitely knows a thing or two about the make money online niche. 

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He has launched at least 5 products in the last 12 months (each one showing you different areas of affiliate marketing, making money online or launching products). This doesn't include any 1-1 coaching, mentoring or products found on other marketplaces. 

What Is Profit Alliance?

This will be Michaels latest launch within the Make Money Online Space, aimed at offering people a business in a box. That business in a box, is the last product that Michael launched earlier in the year 7-Figure Launch System. 

This product is designed to provide you everything you need to promote that other product, including emails, audience ideas and more, to help make you money online

Now, this is the part some people may realise, this is quite similar to past products. For example the 7-Figure Launch System also gave you access to the Partner & Profit (As part of upgrades) and the Partner & Profit did something similar to the 7-Figure Affiliate System. So it may feel like we are running in circles here, grabbing products, to promote older products.

So as part of this review, we will see if this is going to be different, or if it's possibly just a re-packaged version.  

What Is Inside Profit Alliance?

The core of this new product is made up of 6 modules, each breaking down a different area to help you get started. Module 1 is just an introduction, and a reminder to join the onboarding session that they run when new product launches.

I will say the live sessions are interesting, and you do get a decent insight into how he runs his businesses and makes his money online.

  • Module 2 - The Money Link
  • Module 3 - DFY Promos And Content
  • Module 4 - Audience
  • Module 5 - Content Ideas
  • Module 6 - Traffic & Where To Find It
  • Module 7 - How To Generate Sales

Again, people may see this as quite similar to the Partner And Profit course, which had similar modules, and not-so different breakdown of how to make money with this particular offering. 

Module 2

As most of their products are found on W+, you are going to have to get a WarriorPlus account, lucky enough this is free. Michael then talks you throw the steps on how to sign up and be accepted to promote the 7-Figure Launch System. 

One of the biggest problems a lot of new marketers face is getting access to products to promote. It can be frustrating, and you end up going in circles. You need a product to promote to generate sales, but you can't promote a product without sales. This does at least give you an answer. 

Module 3

Now you have a product to be able to sell, Michael is going to provide you with read made tools, emails and content to use in your promotions. This is sometimes called Done-For-You marketing, and again it can cut down a lot on guessing what emails might work, or the types of images and copy people react too. 

Inside the module they provide you with YouTube promos (essentially a walkthrough of the product), DFY emails, Facebook Promotion Posts and even some blog ideas. It's worth noting the blog ideas are more like Medium posts, or short little snippers. These blog posts will never rank, as they are simply not what I would see as a full article. But possibly good for ideas or little nudges towards a full article.

Module 4

The key to selling anything is traffic and eyeballs. But where you find that traffic can come in different places. Michael breaks down the mindset of the people who would want to grab 7-Fig Launch, as well as where they usually hang out and what they are usually looking for.

Combine this with the DFY content, you can start to post, or add this content to these platforms, helping grow the number of eyeballs.

To be honest, I feel like this can be more in-depth, it feels a bit basic, and doesn't cover that much other than 'there are thousands or millions of people who want to launch a product'. Which yes is true, but traffic and understanding your audience is one of the hardest parts of building a business.

Module 5

This module focuses on how you can generate or create more content, specifically stories. Michael is a big believer in crafting stories and content based on different stories, rather than just straight up pitching products. 

This is massively powerful, though it will always depend on the traffic source. For example generating traffic from paid ads (think Google Ads) usually don't respond that well to stories, as they have no clue who you are, and usually just want the product. But, if you use YouTube or Facebook, then people can put  name to a face and as such enjoy the story a little more. 

Or you can use the story to build up a relationship via Facebook or TikTok

Module 6

As a sister to Module 4 and 5, or possibly a follow on, Module 6 focuses on 'traffic'. This is about actually spending the time to start using the content you are putting out to bring in those interested people. 

A big hype at the moment is around free traffic, which of course is Facebook, TikTok and Instagram, i.e Social Media

The reason it's so big and hyped is because, well it's free, and it can be a great way for beginners to start generating traffic and eyeballs. Unfortunately, I feel this module again is a bit light. 

It focuses on just the basics like changing profile pictures or posting in groups. Which doesn't really work in 2022. I would honestly say, if you want to focus on social media, grab either SAA or 15 Second Leads, and go from there. 

Module 7

The final module is all about helping you become consistent with your approach. A lot of people just give up, or stop posting content after 3 or 4 weeks (or even days). 

I do enjoy the fact you are given access to more training that focuses on mindset and building up 'profitable' habits. I really liked this, as it provides you so much more information and actually dives into what the module promises, without just scraping the top off a deep subject matter. 

Who Teaches Profit Alliance?

Michael Chaney is the mind behind Profit Alliance, and he is the voice and face behind every video and section within this training course. 

Who Is Profit Alliance For?

As with the other products that Michael offers, this is really focused on 'new affiliates' or people just learning about this particular area of online business building. 

It's useful having DFY content, a product to promote and at least some idea on the audience (and where they hang out). A lot of new marketers or people trying to build a business online fail due to simply not having anything to promote, or not knowing enough about the product to be able to promote or talk about it. At least with this, you do get given some of that information. 

How much does Profit Alliance Cost?

Profit Alliance is launching at $9.95, which isn't a bad price to learn some of this information. 

Profit Alliance Bonuses - What Else Do You Get?

So along with the standard product and training, you also get a number of additional bonuses. Some of these include the additional training such as 'High Performance Habits' and the 'Plug And Play Promos', but you also get access to the Profit Alliance Playbook, which essentially just tells you to go and do the different training modules. 

Profit Alliance Upsells

Currently there is no set in stone price for any of the upsells for Profit Alliance, though there will be;

  • Behind The Scenes Case study
  •  Premium Profit Packs
  • 10x Profit Launchers
  • Traffic Automator 

Updates will happen as more information comes in. 

Profit Alliance Review Conclusion

All in all, this is another business in a box, that shows you how to promote an older product. I wouldn't say anything here is ground breaking or new, but it can be useful for those who are unsure on how to start. But, you could pick any of the past products and get the same type of training (though this does focus a little more on social media and free traffic sources).