How To Create A Blog With Systeme io

Blogging, and the creation of websites has usually been the realm of big content management systems such as WordPress (which is stull used by 43% of the internet), but other platforms appear all the time, hoping to snatch some of that market share. launched around 2021, with their main aim to provide you everything you'd need to get started with an online business, they included the ability to create your own blog. 

Today we will dive into how to create a blog with Systeme IO, so by the end of this help guide, you will have your own blog set up and ready to go. 

If you want to learn how to build your own affiliate marketing site, using the exact steps I use daily and have done for years, then check this out (Yes, you can even use as your platform!)

What Is Systeme.iO?

Systeme is an all-in-one marketing platform, which includes access to Funnel Builders, eCommerce Store Creator, Website Builder, Email Responder and access to an affiliate program. 

It can be seen as a competitor against more well known platforms such as BuilderAll or Clickfunnels (And even ClickFunnels 2.0). They offer a free tier, which gives you access to around 90% of their tools, which includes their website and blog builder.

How To Create A Free Systeme IO Account

To get started, we are going to need to have a account, if you have one already, epic. If not, you can sign up for a free account here. You only need an email to sign up, so it's quick and easy. 

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Once signed up, you are ready to get started. 

Start Building Your Website

Systeme has made it fairly easy to get started with their website/blog builder. First off, you are going to want to navigate to the 'Blog' tab that can be found at the top of the main dashboard. 

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With the free account you are given the ability to create 1 blog, with 1 custom domain (i.e not having to have as your domain). 

Once you are ready to get started, simply click the 'Create A Blog' button, and you will be shown a number of starting options. Such as the name (this is internal), the domain and a template. 

Note - You can update the domain later to include your customer domain if you haven't done so already. 

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There are 7 templates to choose from, and most of them simply change the home page or the colour scheme. Each template can be previewed to ensure that you actually like the template you will be using. 

Once you have selected a template, click create and Systeme will start creating your new blog. You will have to click the highlighted Name to start the next steps. 

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Systeme will create a few example blog posts, and example categories.

Creating Categories

The categories can be seen a hard silos (If your website is about Cats, you might have one for 'Food', 'Cleaning' and 'Toys').

These can be changed by clicking the 'Categories' tab on the left hand side of the screen. Fill in the name and the description, the path will autofill for you. 

How to create a blog with systeme io

Create a couple of categories based on how you want to split your new website up. You should also include a brief SEO Title and Description, this will allow the categories page to be indexed and potentially rank.

Though the category page is going to be fairly light on keywords or content, so don't expect it to rank that quickly. 

Creating Pages

As with WordPress sites, splits their sites into Posts & Pages. Pages should usually be seen as pages, such as the Home Page, Contact Us or About Us, rather than the more article based posts. 

Again, Systeme will provide you with 4 basic Pages for you to edit and update. You will only need the main 3 they provide (I would ignore the post list page, as it's just going to be a massive list of every post you generate). 

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Click on the title/name of any of the pages to open up the Page Editor. It's time to play around with the Page Builder itself. 

This page builder will be familiar for those who have built funnels or used Systeme in other aspects, as it uses the same builder across the whole platform. 

How to create a blog with systeme io - Drag And Drop Builder

The builder itself is a drag and drop style tool, so everything can be dragged from the left hand side (elements) and snapped into place within the build area. 

Clicking on any element will open a 'settings' tab, which simply replaces the elements tab. 

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You can also drag or use 'blocks' which allow you to bring across whole sections of pre-built elements. 

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Depending on the theme you have chosen, will also depend on how much you need to play around with on the Home Page. The themes do put a lot of random stuff on those pages, so it's possibly worth removing a few of the blocks and rows to make it clean (Check out our home page to get an idea).

I would suggest adding one of the 'Blog' elements to your home page such as the following; 

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This will allow visitors to your site to find the latest blog posts, or specific posts you want to show off. You can also edit or change the number of posts you want to display, the categories you want to include and a bunch of other settings. 

Top Tip - Change the box to 'Display Horizontally', it makes the page so much cleaner.

The Contact Us and About Us pages are pre built with elements, so both of these can be updated with your own picture and text to explain who you are, or why people would want to chat to you!

Creating Post Layouts

The core of any website or blog, will be your 'posts', these are the beating heart and contains all of the articles you want to add and start to rank. 

Much like the pages and categories tabs, you are provided with 3 example posts, each with their own category. Each one has pretty much the same layout, so honestly, just delete them. 

One thing you may want to do is edit the Post Layout. 

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Doing so will allow you to move around where the featured images appear, the headers appear and of course the blog content. This will change for all of your posts, essentially allowing you to design your own theme.

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I would personally remove the header to show above the blog header (or below), just to tidy up how people see your posts. Of course it does mean images may become bigger, and sadly there is no easy way to make the image size smaller. 

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Once you are happy with the general layout of your blog posts, it's time to create some content. 

Creating Your Articles / Posts

As before, we will need to head on over to the post tab, which has a shiny 'Create a blog Post' button. Once again you will be provided with a number of pre-creation options.

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The title should always be the keyword you are focusing on, and the short description is your SEO Meta Description. If you have updated your categories, then they will appear here. 

If you upload an image, it will become the featured image for your new article, so be sure to keep it interesting. Systeme will automatically create your new URL, but you can change it if you don't like how it looks. 

Once you are happy, just click the huge Create button.

If you prefer you can also 'duplicate' the posts that already exist, which means you will always have the same post layout, but you will need to update the SEO title and description afterwards. 

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Once you are ready and have everything sorted, it's time to build your new post. You will find you have a ton of freedom, and the majority of the time you will just want the following

  • Text Element
  • Image
  • Headline Text
  • Bullet List
  • Content Box
  • Table of Contents

And that will make up a huge majority of your posts. Each element can be dragged and dropped into their appropriate area. I would create 1 post that contains a template. 

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As you can see, you do get a lot of blank white space, and everything ends up sitting in the middle. This is one of the aspects of blogging with Systeme that I don't like as much. 

It can feel quite crowded, but you can create individual sections, rather than lumping everything into 1 single section as I have done above. 

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Once you have a rough template set up, you can duplicate it, allowing you to keep the template to be used later. I have done similar with this site and Thrive Architect

You can also create your own blocks, such as review blocks or intro blocks. Simply select the section you want to save, and click the floppy disk icon as shown below. 

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For those who are a little crazier, you can create a full blog template and save it as a block section. 

Once you have created your article, updated the words, added the headers and uploaded any images, you have a lovely new blog post, ready to go. 

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Every new article will have a warning signal, and a green tick. Once you are read to publish your article, click the green tick, and voila, your new page is live and waiting for Google to pick it up

How To Create A Blog With Systeme.Io - Final Words

So there we have it, a whole blog that has been built on the platform. Systeme is great for those just getting started, and it does mean you can keep costs down, while having all of your tools and features in one place. 

If you want to have more flexibility, with the ability to properly track on page SEO, hundreds of apps that can make your life easier, then I would definitely check out building your site with WordPress