Breakout Reloaded Review

Breakout Reloaded Review Summary;

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Across the whole funnel, you could spend upwards of $400. But to be honest, the initial purchase and the Black Book will be enough to start.

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Ease of USe

This method is one of the easiest to get set up and started with. It doesn't take long. Plus he hands you a ton of ready made stuff. 

The Online Student - Content


Yes, you will find content in here that is similar as before. But, it has been updated, re-shoot and new information added. You can also see the new ideas and methods he has used over the last 6 months which differ from before. 

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Can't really fault it. He does reply to email, and even talks in his group if you have issues. 

Summary: The Breakout Reloaded is a heavily updated version of James's first ever training. Explaining new methods and tricks he has put into place to essentially double his earnings in the last 8 months.  

  • He Walks The Walk And Talks The Talk - He Is Doing What He Teaches Daily
  • It's Not As Expensive As People Think To Get Started - Roughly $100
  • You Don't Need A Lot Of Knowledge Or Background To Get Started
  • You Are Given Funnels And Email Swipes To Get Started With + A Product To Start Promoting. 
  • There Are Upsells, I Am Not A Fan - But At Least They Are Relevant
  • You Can Argue Some Of The Content Is The Same as Breakout Code -But Enough New Content Is Included To See The Difference

If you can cast your mind back to mid 2020, Breakout Code, appeared on the scenes. Detailing the exact steps James went from struggling to turn a profit on his marketing efforts, to pulling in some ridiculous numbers. 

In 2020 he passed the $350,000 commission mark. Using what if we are honest, is a simple method, that simply requires a lot of testing and some persistency. Fast forward to mid 2021, James smashed the $450,000 mark (with 4 months to go). 

Which brings us to Breakout Code Reloaded, a complete update and re-imagination of this proven method. But, has James & Mark updated and changed enough to warrant this whole new training?  

What Is The BreakOut Code Reloaded?

As before with the original Breakout Code, this training focuses on funnel and email marketing. The course once again focuses on James's main traffic sources, his follows up and his funnels. 

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After going past that mental $400k commission mark, it makes sense that he has updated this course to reflect what has changed. Once again, that $400k isn't all profit, but even if 10% of this was profit, that's more than most people make per year with a standard job. 

This training focuses on the 'make money online' niche, but as James explains, you can use this method for other niches and programs. If there is a problem, you can use this method to show solutions. 

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It's broken down into multiple sections including;

  • Creating your funnels
  • Finding Productd
  • Finding Traffic
  • Follow ups and generating profits

With all W+ products, there are upsells and addons. Unlike other courses, you are actually given some useful options to purchase if you fancy. I will dive into them in a bit. 

What Is Inside The Breakout Code Reloaded?

This course is split into 6 sections. Each area builds upon the last to take you through the steps required to use this method. 

Case Study

A new version of this training means a new case study. This video actually explains what James has been doing for the last 8 or so months. His results, and how he has been pushing each launch and email further, to increase his results. 

The whole video runs for 20minutes, and it's interesting to see the difference in James's approach since he originally started. 

Affiliate Breakout Reloaded

The first of the main training sections. The Affiliate Breakout Reloaded section covers both mindset and finding products. 

An interesting new addition, and something I have seen with other products and launches from these guys is mindset. A lot of affiliates ignore the concept of mindset, and understanding what is required to build an online business. It's good James does touch on this, and it's based on the same framework we have both studied in the past.

This section also covers production selection, and how to get approved.  It won't be a surprise that a lot of the front end products and success comes from promoting products on Warrior+ or JvZoo, as they are low cost products (some are $1 - $14) that do convert quite well. 

It's interesting to see what products these guys pick, considering there are hundreds of new products appearing each year (sometimes each month). 

Again, you will find a video and step by step guide on how to get approved for products. I have said in the past, even with my own sales and successes, I have found it difficult to get approved. Using some of the tricks from last time, I actually got approved for promotions. 

You can of course purchase the resell rights for Breakout Code Reloaded, which is a good place to start. This means you can put the information you learn within the course to promoting this product. Once you then have sales, people will more likely accept you in the future. 

What makes this offer different, is that James is offering all his products for a one time fee. So you could promote 7 products without needing to ask for permission. 

Breakout Funnels Reloaded

Having pick a product, or number of products, the next step is capturing leads.

If you have followed James in the past, or you know of these methods, then a funnel comes as no surprise. 

Creating a funnel, landing page or optin page isn't difficult. You can create one in around 10 - 30minutes, depending on experience. But having ones that convert is the secret. 

James obviously likes to use ClickFunnels, it's one of the most popular funnel builders out there, and his course is hosted on them. 

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These guys will show you how to build the optin and thank you pages. So if you have no experience, this will be very useful. James shows pages that have worked for him. As well as explaining the backend and thank you pages.  

If you know how to build funnels etc, or have had experience with this before, this probably won't become as a huge surprise, but if you are brand new it's quite nice having someone talk you through each step.

A big change to these pages from before, is the increase in authority and positioning. Before, a lot of the thankyou pages would simply say 'go buy this product'. One of the changes is the fact James actually introduces himself and talks a little more before selling. 

You are given one of their funnels as a bonus, as a way of starting you off. So that's a decent start. James will also talk about autoresponders and getting them set up, as well as other tricks on increasing your conversions for your pages. 

Email Cash Reloaded

The emails are where the money is found. Once you have captured people, you have their undying eyes. 

This is where this course shines, as they explain the different scenarios, emails and tricks that help them bring in even more cash from their emails. For me, I used to suck at this kind of marketing, but after the original Breakout Code I actually learnt a few ideas. 

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As with funnels, if you have some knowledge around emails, then this isn't going to blow your mind. Setting up an email, sorting out lists and sending an email is pretty easy. If again you are brand new, then this is really helpful. 

All these videos are updates from past versions, with new layouts and template ideas. There are also ideas and ways that James once again squeezes even more out of the traffic he has. 

Breakout Traffic Reloaded

Having products, lists and emails ready and waiting is fine, but with no traffic they are useless. 

As before, this style uses Solo Ads to generate a lot of the traffic. But, as we have come to learn with Breakout Code Reloaded, there are new spins and tools to help increase sales. 

A lot of James's leads and buyers come from places such as Udimi. But he also shows other places. If you get the chance, I would recommend getting his 'Little Black Book'. An upsell that gives you the exact people and platforms that he uses. It's worth it, and I used it when I followed his method with Breakout Code v1. 

You also don't have to spend a lot when you get started. $50 will get you 100 or so clicks. This can result in a few sales, which can be re-invested in more clicks. 

Once again, a new addition or bonus method is social media. It seems James has been having a really good time with groups and pages. I enjoy this, as it gives you places you can try and get a few sales, before scaling up your methods. 

Breakcode Reloaded Bonuses

You will find bonuses throughout the course, such as emails, funnels or traffic sources. But there is also a section devoted too bonuses. 

A huge one is getting access to one of their old courses to essentially promote as your own. This gives you an instant product to start promoting and earning high commissions on. 

One of these Breakout Code Reloaded bonuses is the sure-fire list building document. A great breakdown explaining how to start building that new list, quickly and efficiently. 

Who Teaches This Course?

As before, this course is mainly taught by James Fawcett. He now sits in the Top 5% (possibly 1%) of W+ affiliates.  

He obviously knows what he is doing, and puts in exactly what he is teaching here, day in day out. He does also build his list with his own product launches. But when he was first starting out, before Breakout Code v1 appeared, he just did this stuff.

I would still say this guy knows what he is on about when it comes to Solo Ads, Emails and marketing. 

Who Is The Breakout Reloaded For?

As with other W+ launches and products in the past, it's difficult to pin point an exact 'buyer'.

Using this method, it would cost around $100 total to get started. Including using a ClickFunnels trial, a solo ad run and using James's landing pages. 

So if you are low on funds, or want a cheaper way to get started, this could work for you. At the time of writing, the cost to purchase Breakout Reloaded was $17. Which is a lot cheaper than some of the other courses I have looked at such as SAA or Savage Affiliates. 

If you are someone who has experience with funnels and emails, but want to experiment, then I would say it's definitely worth a shot. Using some of the conversion tips here could really boost your commissions. 

How Much Does Breakout Reloaded Cost?

The core product cost for this training is $17 (currently). As before, you get access to the following;

  • Main Breakout Reloaded Training
  • 3 Day Email Swipes
  • 1 Proven to work funnel
  • Surefire list building strategy 

For me, the funnel and the emails are worth the price, especially if they increase the sign up rate, the initial trust and then the sales within those first few days. 

What Upsells Or Additional Purchases Are There?

As I have said many times before, you will get upsells. It's a W+ product, that's what they do. 

These at least help with the core product, rather than being some random shit PLR added on after. Thankfully, James doesn't charge you $1500 to watch his live for 10 minutes. 

The first upsell is for the email swipes. He gives you the email templates and swipes he sends for $37. 

Upsell number 2, will give you 10 DFY funnels. These are funnels he uses, and I have actually seen him use. This is actually 2x the number before. The cost for that is $197.

Coming in at Number 3, is an inner circle, or private Facebook group offer. It gives you access to a group where James will go-live and offer additional advice and training. Currently priced at $67

Number 4, is an upsell I have personally got in the past. The Little Black Book. I have spoken about it and mentioned it a few times across my site. You are given the exact people, platforms and places he goes to buy traffic. No guess work, no scams, no failed sellers. Just decent people. Plus he keeps it up to date. Costing $47 this will save you paying for a shit seller. So personally I see this as a cost saving bonus. 

The number 5 slot is something I have seen before from other sellers. The 'Unlimited Traffic' bundle. Though this looks to be slightly different. Giving you different traffic methods, not just Solo Ads. Possibly expanding on the group work that is mentioned inside this training. 

Finally, at upsell 6, is the Reseller Lite bundle. If you are new, have no skin in the game and can't get approved. This works a treat. As I have said in the past, you get access to 7 products that you can start promoting, instantly. No waiting for approval or people to say Yes/No. You earn 80% commissions I believe across each product funnel. This can result in some hefty commissions. Once again, this is $67 for the upgrade. 

You will also find a mastermind, or private group offer called Breakout Affiliate Mastery. But this isn't an offer you will find in the funnel. It appears in the backend, so you are not bombarded with it. You can read a breakdown of the BAM group & course here)

It's a high ticket, more focused version of Breakout Reloaded & Endgame (It comes with group coaching calls, Q&As, additional training, funnels and more information). It is currently $497, and I would recommend it if you are serious about fast tracking your progress

Is The Breakout Reloaded For You?

Have you struggled with getting started with affiliate marketing? Have you found other methods such as PPC expensive. Or do you simple hate blogging or being on camera. 

If you answer yes to any of these, then this style of marketing could be the answer. Yes it requires testing, and I would say a bit of grit, but it can be a great style. As James has proven. 


As before, the Breakout Reloaded is a solid course. I can't fault it. They have gone beyond just re-packaging old videos. They have re-shot, updated and added new spins and features. 

James has looked at his own business, worked out the parts that work well, and hit them like a 10 ton truck. He knows what he is doing, and it doesn't look like it's stopping.

Will everyone succeed with this method? No, but then the same can be said for any marketing style or method out there. For $17 or so, I think it's worth investigating. 

Breakout Reloaded








Ease Of Use
