Leadpages Vs Clickfunnels

For many capturing emails is essential, 'The money is in the list', a phrase that gets banded around a lot. With some 90% of internet users having at least 1 email account, it's no wonder that people teach how to capture emails via landing pages. Two of those landing page builders are being looked at, and sized up against each other today. When it comes to companies who usually appear alongside each other, or close in Top 10s, these two do time and again, so today we are going to compare Leadpages Vs Clickfunnels, and see who comes out on top. 

As usual we will look into the tools they have on offer, integrations that can be set up and the overall pricing (and features unlocked at those pricing levels). 

LeadPages - Quick Overview

As the name suggests, Leadpages is designed as a way of allowing you to create lead generation pages, or single page websites that focus on garnering emails or phone numbers (or a whole host of data) from potential clients, or buyers. 

As with other platforms and products that offer this kind of service, Leadpages comes with a number of features and tools that can help you succeed, including;

  • Drag & Drop Page Builder (including templates)
  • SEO Optimised Pages
  • Unlimited Leads, Landing Pages And Traffic
  • Integrations and Third Party Analytics 
  • Workshops & Training

ClickFunnels - Quick Overview

A name that has become famous in it's own right and synonymous with funnels or landing page builders, ClickFunnels is usually seen as one of the 'OG's' of the funnel building world.

There are a number of features and tools that ClickFunnels come with, some at slightly higher tiers, including;

  • Drag & Drop Page Builder (Including Templates)
  • Quick and easy to create sales 'funnel' with a number of pages or steps
  • Create each page as you wish, changing layouts, design and imagery
  • Upsell, downsell and cross-sell funnels, 
  • Integrations with other platforms and services
  • Email autoresponder and follow up funnels
  • Training (Free & Paid)

Page Builder Tools

The core of both platforms, the pulsing heart is of course the page builders themselves. Without these, you essentially don't have a product or a platform. 

Ideally a page builder should be quick, easy to use and intuitive in it's way of helping you create your pages. 

It should also have widgets, blocks or whatever they decided to call their own version of these. Preferably with some pre-built sections, but we will see. 


The page builder is housed inside of the 'Landing Page' section on the Leadpages back end. As well as part of the 'site' builder that Leadpages has to offer. 

As with a lot of platforms, lead pages offer you pre-built templates that can be chosen, depending on what you are trying to achieve. They group them, or sort them via conversion rate first (which I assume is a running % based upon everyone?). 

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This gives you the ability, or option I guess, to choose some pre-built pages that can be updated or edited as you so wish, or you can simply create one from scratch, though you do need to look for the blank template to be able to do that. 

The page builder itself is a lot like the Thrive Architect one, or at least more inline with that than it is with the ClickFunnels one. 

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It's a very clean, minimal layout and with the main 'bar' being on the left hand side, and it stays there, even if you are editing other areas such as text fields or buttons. 

The on screen edit or overlay for editing the actual boxes or areas themselves personally gets in the way, I am not a huge fan on it, I would prefer it to be on the right hand side, or just be somewhere else. 

Leadpages have around 18 'widgets' that can be added to your landing page, this is somewhere between ClickFunnels and Thrive on the number of widgets or blocks that can be added to your pages.

These widgets range from your standard 'text' block to integration widgets such as Calendly and OpenTable. 

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These widgets allow you to directly add your API ID's on the page, so you don't have any need to jump off to other pages. But it does mean you have to add it every single time on every single page.

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Adding the different widgets onto the pages is quite unique, there are very clear sections, it's not something that I have seen with other landing pages or any page builder. Most will just give a blue line, or maybe an orange line, they don't give you a clear, easy to see section. 

The next part of the page builder is something I love, the ability to add whole sections can be really powerful for those who have little to no experience with building the pages. 

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The different sections cover everything from 'About Us' , to features, text blocks or plans and pricing, each of these sections can be edited and updated, pretty much like any other page builder. 

Another feature that is quite similar is the Layout tool, that lets you find all the different elements on your landing page that you are building. Quite useful if you are building large, or complicated sales pages with multiple sections. 

Finally, the final part of the page builder, is the 'page styles', a global option to change all of the text font, colours, overall landing page image or even the width. Pretty good if you need to keep everything uniform, or all the same, and it's easy to quickly update the whole page to have the same font colour, though it does look like this can be overridden in the text boxes themselves. 

All in all, a pretty decent page builder.  

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Much like the Leadpages platform we have just looked at, ClickFunnels has an inbuilt drag and drop style page builder, though it's focus is on single pages (or funnels of pages), it doesn't have anything for building out a full site, but you could potentially put a variety of single pages together to create that 'site'.

I would say the page builder from ClickFunnels is not quite as good, or as user friendly as Leadpages, and I do struggle and get frustrated when I use it, there is no hiding that fact. 

You can of course use pre-built pages or funnels, usually in the form of share funnels, or by using the funnel wizard. 

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If you have read previous 'Vs' with ClickFunnels then you will be familiar with the look of ClickFunnels and how the layout is. If you are new to this blog and this is your first time checking out ClickFunnels, I would definitely recommend reading the full review

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The page builder appears and dissapears as you go through the build process, with a large focus on having to click a number of buttons for the elements to appear, though they do emphasise the fact you can hover below another button or element and 'a little orange + sign will appear allowing you to easily add a new element'. Personally I find it quite annoying and I find it doesn't always appear, finding that sweet spot can be difficult. 

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Unlike Leadpages, pretty much everything sits on that right hand side, if you want to upload or change images, update a video URL or simply change the text colour or overall theme of an element, you have to wait for that right hand sidebar to open. 

Again, I find it distracting, with so many different fields to fill in, or deal with, I would prefer if there was a left hand side, or even a popup (it pains me to say it) that allows you to quickly add the URL or change the video type. 

Something else that might come as a surprise, is the lack of 'sections', or bundles of elements that have been put together to allow you to quickly build a page. 

There is nothing that let's you put say a 'About us' section onto a funnel, you simply have to build it from scratch, and for a beginner, this can be a bit of a killer, especially for the price. 

Addons And Integrations 

A landing page builder, no matter how amazing it can be, can't do everything, it will always need something to connect to, to make it that little bit better. BuilderAll and GrooveFunnels are both good examples of platforms that haven't quite got 'everything' sorted. 

As such, integrations and addons is vitally important. It extends the use and the scope of your platform and allows for other platforms to be used alongside it. Thankfully, both platforms have got integrations, though possibly slightly different in their approach or parterships.


Finding the integrations within LeadPages is quite easy, they have a separate tab as soon as you log into your account called 'Integrations. They then show all the different platforms you can connect with. 

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Being a landing page, email capture focused software, it's not a huge surprise the majority of the integrations are for email marketing platforms, and it's a pretty much given that companies such has GetResponse or Aweber will show up. 

I would say it's quite a limiting number though, with only 13 companies that can be directly connected with, without needing to use a 3rd party tool such as Zapier.

Edit:If you are willing to pay $200+ per month, then other integrations are available, such as Salesforce, but if you are on the standard or pro accounts, you are limited to the number of integrations. And of course, you can always use the 3rd party Zapier for connections....

LeadPages do state they will help build Zapier Zaps on customer requests, or even new Integrations, so perhaps no one has ever needed to connect with a different platform, but I did find it somewhat limiting.

You also need to connect these products with your landing pages, and sadly it's not quick, easy or straight forward. Trying to get an email integration sorted, just takes a lot of click and trying to find the button that actually means you want to do something. 

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Most will call this picky, but nearly every other 'edit' for this platform is done by clicking on it, then getting information below it, integrations are the only ones that have this separate edit, and for me, it looks like the title of what I am trying to do. It doesn't feel clear I have to actually click it. I genuinely spent 5 minutes clicking the pencil, the button, the email box, everywhere until it finally clicked. 


A platform that has had a lot longer to create their API's and connect with nearly 4x as many platforms that can be integrated into your brand new funnel or landing page. 

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ClickFunnels has got an impressive number of platforms it can be integrated with, from email marketing platforms, Shopify, CRMs such as Salesforce and of course training and webinar solutions. 

Each integration is set up once on the account level, and then 'connected' for each funnel or landing page you build. 

If you happen to have the expensive $297 version of ClickFunnels, then the need for the additional platforms is reduced, as you can house your training, email automation and of course your own affiliate program. 


Possibly one of the most important points when it comes to deciding on platforms and tools for any business, is finding out the true cost of using it. 

Thankfully, both of these platforms have made it pretty easy to understand their pricing structure, and exactly what you get for your money. 

Leadpages Pricing

The pricing for leadpages has been split into 3 separate tiers (they do also have annual vs monthly, which can save you some money as well) 


For those just starting out, the 'standard' tier is your entry level offering, costing between $27 - $37 per month, depending on if you decided to get the annual plan. The standard comes with; 

  • 1 Site
  • Landing Pages, Pop-Ups, Alert Bars
  • Unlimited Traffic & Leads
  • Free Custom Domain / Hosting
  • 40+ Standard Integrations

If you are using Leadpages just for the landing pages, then this should be more than enough for you, though you can only use 1 domain (if you capture leads for different niches, this probably wont work for you)


The most comparable to standard ClickFunnels is the Pro tier, coming in at $59 - $79, this level offers an increase (obviously) in the number of sites on offer, but also includes;

  • 3 Sites
  • Online Sales & Payments
  • Unlimited A/B Split Testing
  • Email Trigger Links
  • 10 Opt-in Text Campaigns

If you want to use Leadpages to sell items or you need to increase the number of niches you target, then this will be the one for you. 


Finally, the 'Advanced' tier, costing a hefty $239 - $321, this is their top offer, and is probably for someone who needs a huge number of websites being built, and deals with a lot of different niches. 

You are provided with;

  • 50 sites
  • More integrations
  • More support
  • Introduction call
  • Sub Accounts
  • Text Campaigns

Personally, I am not a fan of integrations being behind paywalls, if the API has been provided, and is open, why not simply allow it for everyone. I can understand increasing the sites, or maybe upping the support level or providing new tools, but just locking integrations feels odd. 

ClickFunnels Pricing

There are two pricing tiers on offer from ClickFunnels, their standard and platinum tiers. Though it's damn difficult to ever find the cost, so be sure out check out this article that breaks the costs down


The level that I believe most people pay for with ClickFunnels. This $97 per month tier provides you with;

  • 20 Funnels
  • 100 Pages
  • 20,000 Visitors
  • Unlimited Contacts
  • 3 Custom Domains
  • ClickFunnels Funnel & Page Builder Technology 
  • Membership & Sales Funnels

As previously mentioned, this is probably closest to the 'Pro' account from Leadpages, though you don't get unlimited landing pages as you do with leadpages, but you can do a lot more. 


The all-in-one from ClickFunnels is their $297 per month Platinum tier. Platinum bumps everything to; 

  • Unlimited Funnels
  • Unlimited Pages
  • 10 Custom Domains 
  • Your own affiliate program
  • Integrated auto-responder

Comparing the ClickFunnels platinum tier with the Leadpages Advanced offering really does highlight the big differences between these platforms and who their target market is.

With Clickfunnels aiming for those who want to set up their own affiliate programs and sell their training or products.

Leadpages focusing on those who want to just get those landing pages and sales pages smashed out, without caring about sticking an affiliate program onto it, or requring the autoresponder. 

Leadpages Vs Clickfunnels - Conclusion, The Clear Winner

Both of these platforms are great at what they offer, with some annoyances and 'quirks' on both of them. 

I would say if you are really focusing on just landing pages or lead generation, you have no desire to do upsells, or downsells, then Leadpages is going to be the winner. As per their name, they help you build pages that will generate you leads, by giving away books, free training or whatever it may be, they don't care that much about selling or promoting paid for products. 

If you are someone who wants to sell products, create your own training, or you will be actually using 'funnels' then the obvious choice is going to be ClickFunnels (the key are in the names!). 

And that's it, I wouldn't say there is a definitive winner, as even though a lot of people compare these two platforms, they do cater for slightly different people.