AnswerThePublic Review

AnswerThePublic Review Summary;

A free keyword research tool that can be used to find interesting, new phrases and words. Great for those just getting started, offering fairly accurate data, and a variety of different length searches. 

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It's free to get started, if you are happy to run a small number of searches per day. The 'Pro' version is quite expensive, more on that below

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Ease of USe

Both of the ability to ask questions, and be given results are easy to use and interpret. 

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The core functionality is obviously focused on keyword research, which it does pretty well. Though I feel it could use more tools, or richer data.

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I have honestly never needed their support. So I can't say if it's brilliant or awful. So I will simply leave this blank. 

  • Free To Get Started
  • Different Styles Of Phrases - Such as Why, What, Vs & How To
  • Easy To View And Understand Data - You Can Change Views And The Structure To Fit Your Needs
  • The Free Version Limits The Number Of Searches Per Day
  • It Provides Search Data - Which Means It Can Provide Some Strange Phrases
  • You Don't Get Given Keyword Difficulty Or Search Volumes 

Keyword research and content research are two of the most important jobs when it comes to building a content focused business, such as a YouTube channel or blog. 

Having a tool, or platform that provides you with that type of valuable information is vital, especially if provided in a clear, and easy to understand format. 

Up steps AnswerThePublic, a platform that offers some of the same benefits as say a conventional tool like SERanking or KeySearch, but in a very different format. 

As the name suggests, this tool has been designed to show you the questions that people are searching for, allowing you to create content that provides those answer.

There is very little point in creating content if no one is searching for the question or answer.  It's time to see why AnswerThePublic probably wants to become a tool that you use alongside everything else. 

What Is AnswerThePublic?

As mentioned before, AnswerThePublic is a question/keyword research platform, that offers different content creators the ability to see and find interesting questions that people are actually searching for. 

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They offer their information in a slightly different format to most other tools or platforms. For example, they provide you with different variations on the original keyword, or seed. 

Typical tools would show you a list of additional keywords in a long list, usually showing SEO difficulty, or perhaps by search frequency, AnswerThePublic doesn't do that, but more on that in a second. 

How Does AnswerThePublic Work?

I have said this before, but basically, all of these keyword tools work by magic, or by using a mixture of Google Search APIs and databases of keywords. 

This one focuses a lot more on the Google API from what I can tell (with my rudimentary knowledge). At the highest possible level, they use the original seed keyword, i.e Affiliate Marketing and then pull back all the different variations that Google would usually give you. 

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They then split them into multiple areas;

  • Questions (where can i do affiliate marketing)
  • Prepositions (affiliate marketing is real or fake)
  • Comparisons (affiliate marketing vs dropshipping)
  • Alphabeticals
  • Related (affiliate marketing meaning) 

They put each section into downloadable images such as the one below for 'Affiliate Marketing'. 

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Many people who have used keyword research tools will notice something quite different from normal ones. There is zero SEO difficulty data, no search numbers or even any data that tells you what websites are ranking and if they happen to dominate the results. 

For me, I find it quite nice, it's a little different from normal tools, and it provides you with a large number of useful and informative examples that can be used. 

Many normal tools would just give you random and never searched keywords that simply take up space and cause confusion. 

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Yes, SERanking does tell me that 10 people may be searching for these keywords (though that's unlikely), but the likelihood is that people are not searching for 'affiliate marketing WhatsApp group link'. You cannot create content around that particular keyword.

Instead, AnswerThePublic focus on the longer tail keywords and phrases such as 'affiliate marketing without investment' or 'who can start affiliate marketing'.

AnswerThePublic Tools & Data

The core of AnswerThePublic tools comes down to the search data that you are provided, but if you are looking for additional features then you can of course upgrade your account to unlock them, these include;

  • New Suggestions & Alerts
  • Search Comparisons 
  • Folders & Organisation

And that's about it, so again, the core of ATP is the search data. The weekly new suggestions or trends may be super useful for those who write or create content about certain topics or areas (for example they focus on one particular niche).

What I Liked About AnswerThePublic 

So, I do like ATP, it has some useful features that do make this tool stand out from the others, and I do think it could be useful as an additional keyword research platform. 

It Offers Real Questions 

Unlike other tools that will find variations on a single seed word, or a few 'questions', AnswerThePublic is a search listening tool that will dig up all the questions people have searched for online in relation to your keyword. 

This is actual search data, with so many different, useful questions. As we saw earlier, using a keyword seed such as 'Affiliate Marketing' offers up results such as;

  • affiliate marketing without showing your face
  • an affiliate marketing make money
  • will affiliate marketing die
  • can affiliate marketing be a career

Every single result is something that people were searching for and can be used to craft new content.

A Tight Content Marketing Strategy

The thing with ATP, you are shown clusters of different questions or ideas. Grouping them together in say 3 or 4 ideas and headers, allowing you to create a whole article or new video. 

Due to the fact people are searching for these questions, your single article will appear (if properly optimised) for those 3 - 4 questions, resulting in different audiences reading your article. 

Free To Get Started

AnswerThePublic is free, it's very limited on it's free version, but, it's still free. If you are just starting out with content creation, and running on a tight budget, this could be a life saver. 

Offering you a pretty hearty number of article ideas without spending a penny. You get 3 searches per day on the free version, which should give you more than enough content to get you up and running. 

Add Unlimited Users

If you are looking at getting someone else to do the research, you can always upgrade your account and pay for AnswerThePublic. With that paid account you can add other team members. Allowing you to get a VA or team member to research and save the searches within your account. 

Though, I would not say this would be a good enough reason to upgrade, the free version could still be used by a VA (you just can't save the searches).

Export Data

As with other tools and platforms, you can export your searches and data. If you are running a VA they can do the research, export those searches into a more meaningful data set and send it over. 

High Resolution Images

If you are someone who likes to have a visualisation of their data, or you want cool looking graphics, ATP has your back. Each search section has it's own downloadable image, that you can look at and find ideas from. 

It's more of a novelty if I am honest, but they do look nice and it's a different approach to looking at your keyword ideas. 


Again, this is a paid feature, but you can set up alerts and trends, allowing you to spot up to date content ideas and real time searches. I think this is a nifty little idea, as it means you don't have to constantly do the same search every few months. It's the small things that make me smile. 

Clean & Organised

I have to admit, the overall layout and interface is so clean and easy to navigate. Each section is quick to look through and understand, plus you can quickly jump between the different areas without any problems. 

Even new marketers can work their way around this without any issues. 

With a proper AnswerThePublic account you can store past searches and data so that you can compare them over time. You can also create folders within the interface to try and keep similar searches and niches together.

What I Didn't Like About AnswerThePublic 

There are two main downsides to AnswerThePublic, and they both explain why I don't use this as my main tool. 

The Data, Or Lack Of

One of the core reasons people use keyword research tools or platforms, is to help them create good, quality content that people are actively searching for. 

The issue with AnswerThePublic is that they don't provide that full data set. It's all well and good that people are searching for 'affiliate marketing without showing your face', but how many people are searching for it, and as a rough estimate, how difficult would it be to rank for. 

If huge websites are ranking for these keywords, then it kind of becomes less of a priority, or the focus changes to finding alternative questions. 

Even if there was some rudimentary search volumes and SERP information, it would make this so much more complete. 


Yes, this tool is free, at least 3 searches per day kind of free, but they do have a paid for version. 

For $99 per month or $79 if you pay annually, this is a steep cost for the information you get. For example SE Ranking which arguably does a better job, costs just $14 per month on the lower tiers. 

The paid version allows for alerts and more searches per day, but in reality a person can bulk find a ton of content ideas with 3 searches without running out article or video ideas. 

Plus, the thought of paying $99 to get some higher quality downloadable images just doesn't seem to fly with me personally. 

AnswerThePublic Pricing - Is AnswerThePublic Free?

As mentioned above, yes there is a free version of AnswerThePublic. You are limited to 3 searches per day, but this should be more than enough for most people. 

You can, if you decide you need more searches, or want to take advantage of the alerts or trends, pay $99 per month for the privilege. If you are crazy, then there is a $199 option, which add additional tools and seats within the platform. 

Is AnswerThePublic Right For You?

I honestly believe that this tool can be a great addition to most marketers belt. It's a brilliant secondary tool to be used alongside other keyword search tools.

You can find some brilliant gems and content idea using this platform, which can then be enhanced by using something like Keyword Chef, KeySearch or SE Ranking to check out the missing data (at a fraction of the price of this). 

AnswerThePublic Review Conclusion

If you are a serious content creator, looking for decent questions and long tail keywords to create content around, then AnswerThePublic is a great tool to use. 

With 3 free searches per day, easy to understand content ideas and a unique way of presenting the data, it is really useful to have. Yes, there are limitations and it's not a complete platform, but it can be a brilliant addition to what you need each day. 


FREE (Paid Options Available)