You do get a lot of information for the original price. The upsells are still reasonable considering both content and DFY pages.

Ease of USe
I personally would prefer that the videos where split into easier modules, but that is just me.

If you own 10x commissions then you would have seen a lot of this before, there is a lot of the same content. The content IS solid, but this is more a 10x commission v2 rather than something fully new.

I cannot fault John at all for his support, he is always around to answer questions or provide answers, especially in his group.
Summary: It is a well put together training course, and you get a lot of content for the $12 or so that it costs. But, there is content from older courses here, and I would have preferred some re-shooting or maybe calling this V2 of the past stuff. But, still solid none the less.
It's still rare that I look at or review Warrior+ training or products, usually because a high % of them are re-packaged garbage.
But today, it's time to check out Profit Force. This is a new information product from John Newman, the same guy who created 10x Commission.
He has partnered up with another YouTube affiliate marketer, Terry Tills to create this training product. Of course, there will be upsells, it's W+ what would you expect, but we will dive into that later within this Profit Force Review.
What Is The Profit Force?
As previously mentioned, Profit Force is the latest training from John Newman, an affiliate marketer who has found success with creating YouTube videos and launch jacking products via those videos, aswell as blog posts.
The Profit Force training, is quite similar to the 10x Commission Training & The Collector, again focusing on the YouTube side of content generation, but combining elements of both of those training into this new reimagining of it.

Once again John has created a course that follows the model of generating traffic (which he goes into), towards bonus pages, they then become either buyers or sit and sit, waiting for that next hot offer.
The whole training is made up of around 6 modules, though really the bulk of it is inside of 2 modules.
What Is Inside Profit Force?
I will look at focusing on the main 2 modules in here, rather than listing out every single one, as some of them are simply additional bonuses or upsells. Personally, I would have preferred the modules to be split properly, for example with BlogFocused I put them into 4 main modules (which meant students could see each week and the videos that supported the goals of that week).
This is just 'every single video in 1 place' and I feel a lot of newbie affiliate marketers will see this huge amount of information and bail. But hey, enough of my waffling, it's time to actually look at what is inside Profit Force.
Module 1 - Welcome
Not really a big module, this is mainly here to introduce John, Cynthia and Terry, so that you know who you will be learning from, though as you will find in this training, there isn't a lot of content from the other two guys.
John also does an overview of the different modules, how to join Johns group (well worth doing so to be honest), how to get support from John via email.
Module 2 - Main Bulk
The lessons run one after another, i.e you watch the first video, once you are done, you can then watch the next one. Each video should build upon the last, taking you step by step towards that end goal (which is of course, start building a list or making money).

You will also find that the way John has allocated these videos, is that they are bundle to be done roughly at the same time. For example, the starting videos are all together.
How to set up your website, YouTube channel, email responder and bonus page all appear in the first load of videos. You will find that these videos are actually pretty much the same videos you will find within 10x commission training, so I guess if it's not broken, why fix it?
Once you have set your YouTube and your blog, John provides you access to promote Profit Force, ensuring that you actually have a product to start promoting when it comes to following the rest of his training.
He also provides some information on how to get accepted from other vendors or platforms, usually it helps if you have a few sales, so using his product as a starter for 10 makes sense.
Bonus Pages
A style that John introduced in his 10x commission training, bonus pages can help you increase the number of sales you get from your promotion strategies.
He does also provide you with access to his DFY pages that he uses to build these pages, as well as explaining how to get images and other bonuses you can find to create your own stack.
Video / Blog Structure
Having access to a product, or building a bonus page is all well and good, but if you don't have traffic, then you are basically stuck. Traffic is the beating heart of any business, the more eyeballs you have on a product, bonus or offer, the more likely you will make a sale.
Of course, the method found within Profit Force does revolve around the video review structure, or using SEO to help rank pages that also contain your videos.
Being able to structure your videos is really helpful, because a lot of people get stuck on these stages, overthinking how they talk about the training, tools or software. It may seem really obvious, but it can be difficult, especially if you have no experience with reviewing or looking at different products. It took me 10 - 20+ reviews across multiple niches before I managed to get my reviewing process down to an art.
I would say the YouTube videos are going to provide more clicks and views than the blog posts, but creating an SEO optimised post that can be used as an additional style of traffic makes sense. You may find that your articles are outranked by those who solely focus on the SEO side of traffic generation, as their articles are probably going to go into more detail. Especially as John uses the articles as a landing page for the video and a way of listing your bonuses you are offering.
Traffic Methods
Profit Force is broken into 2 sections, Free Traffic Methods and Paid Traffic Methods, which lets be honest, are the 2 methods...
The Free traffic methods looks into two major platforms to build up your audience. Social media is a big marketplace, full of potential customers looking to learn more about different marketing methods.
Facebook is one of the biggest platforms, with hundreds of thousands of marketers looking for products, tools or training programs to help take them to the next level. I personally still generate leads daily from Facebook, by having a personal funnel set up on my own profile.

Talking to people daily, offering advice and generally just being 'in existence' gets your profile and your links in front of people, ready for people to click and find out more.
The other social media platform that John looks at is Instagram, another huge platform with hundreds of thousands of daily users. Now, I would say to pay someone on Fiverr to grow the account for you, posting images and following people for you. John prefers to just use automation tools to do it for you, which personally I wouldn't do, but mainly down to the fact I am fairly sure the account would just get banned.
Paid for traffic focuses on solo ads, mainly because they work really well for this style of product promotion. Bonus pages and landing pages + solo ad traffic seem to work brilliantly, especially as it seems a lot of people who do sign up for these kinds of email lists purchase low cost offerings from W+ or JvZoo platforms.
Finally, there is a a case study that shows how the whole solo ads + bonus pages set up works, again this video is the same as the one found within the collector. The case study is fairly solid, and does show you how to succeed with this style.
Module 3 - Case Studies
Something that John likes to do is to include case studies within his training, which I personally feel work really well, hell I even include them in my own stuff these days, as it helps people put into perspective what you are teaching and showing people how to put everything together.
I know from experience that some people hate them, seeing them as filler, or pointless, but I disagree.
There are 3 case studies to watch (beyond the others you will find under other videos). Including;
- Launch Jacking Case Study ($100 per day)
- Launch Jacking - $300 in 48 hours
- Super Affiliate Campaign, A-Z Walkthrough
The case studies are well put together, but would have been good to put all the case studies here, rather than having a few thrown in here, and some found elsewhere.
Module 5 - 6 Bonuses
Another tactic that John has included in past training courses is the inclusion of additional bonuses, both announced (i.e you will find them on the sales pages) and unannounced bonuses to keep things spicy.
The bonuses are cool, but from experience you will find that people usually throw a load of random tools, training or software that are there to increase the perceived value. Some of the stuff included is useful, though I'm not convinced that all of it should be here.
I can take it or leave it.
Who Teaches The Profit Force Training?
Primarily, this is taught by John, though one of the case studies is from Cynthia. Even though there are 3 creators, or 3 people named on the sales pages, you don't really see the others.
I would have liked to have seen more from Terry, maybe showing his side of this, rather than just seeing more of John.
Who Is This Training For?
I would say this is for brand new affiliate marketers, looking for a solid foundation and information on getting into affiliate marketing.
How Much Does The Profit Force Cost?
The core product will cost you $12.95, though you can grab it for about $8 for the first couple of days when products like these launch. The $47 per month you see on pages like this, just annoy me. Something I have said a few times, and have said before with W+ products, is that the crazy prices being mentioned are just false.
I realise it is very much a W+/JvZoo marketing tactic, but really it should be removed, and people just say the price is currently $7 or $13 and then in a few days the price will go up to $29 or $49.
There are also a number of additional upsells, though thankfully, unlike other marketers, there are not 10+ upsells/downsells/cross-sells, though there are a few.
Upgrade 1 - $27
The first upsells you will notice is the Profit Force Pro offer, essentially giving you additional training and tweaks to increase the chances of success.
Upgrade 2 - $47
Next up is your DFY offer, you are given 50 DFY bonus pages, a funnel and email swipes to help you build up your own email list and of course try and increase the sales.
Considering this works out at $1 per bonus page, which should mean you can swap out the links with your own, and you can promote the same products as John, it's not a bad deal.
You do need a tool called Commissions Gorilla to get access, which I believe is another $67, so to get all of this will cost you around $120. Still not a terrible deal and could definitely help.
Upgrade 3 - $197
Carrying on is a upsell I have seen a few times, and I have even purchased myself but oddly never used, which is the pixel upgrade. You are given the ability to add your own FB or google analytics pixels on their Sales pages. Giving you some pretty rich data on those who are interested in these types of products. John includes the pixel on all his past training courses, as well as future products over the next 12months.
Upgrade 4 - $47
If you are struggling to find products to promote, then grabbing these next offer is pretty useful. You can get access to 100% commissions on 4 of his products - Allowing you to sell Profit Force, YT Velocity, Super Shakedown and Buyers List Bonanza.
I will admit this is good for those just starting out, though as with anything, you do need to understand sales and be able to get people in front of these offers. I would probably say get a few sales first, and then look at grabbing this if you want to try and get more sales under your belt.
Upgrade 5 - $1997
The last and final upsell is the Launch Accelerator, this offer is for 1 person. If you have ever wanted to build your own product, or launch your own product, then you can partner with John & Cynthia. You get to keep the leads, and get 10% of the profits from the product sales.
For $1997, you would need to sell $40k+ worth of the product to roughly get your investment back. If we say 50% goes to affiliates, leaving you with $20k profit. Though that is only if we take into account the average front end sale + removing commissions from the equation.
Taking the average value of a customer across W+, I would guess around 2,000 sales would be needed to achieve that. But, the real value will be in the buyers list that you can get from that product launch.
Selling 200 or 300 products would give you some super targeted leads who may be willing or interested in buying other products further down the line.
Is This Right For You?
Are you struggling with how to get started with affiliate marketing, do you want to lean how to create videos, while also building up your own website to take advantage of a number of different traffic sources?
If you answered yes to those points, then I would say that Profit Force is probably worth grabbing.
The Profit Force Review Conclusion
Not a bad new training course from John, though I would have preferred to have seen more new content, not stuff found in other courses re-packaged and bundled together to form a new course.
I can't deny the content is decent, it's packed with decent information and John knows what he is on about, I just personally wished he hadn't re-packaged some of the other content from past courses. Or, if he was doing that (but also adding some new stuff) then just saying it's 10x commissions v2 or something like that.

I started this blog around 2017, after realising that I wanted to let people know about all the different ways someone could make money online. From DropShipping, Affiliate Marketing, Network Marketing and more.
This blog has now grown to review and explain a variety of different tools and platforms, in the bid to help you.
This blog contains affiliate links, and I will get a commission for purchases made through these links. It doesn’t change anything for you and will on occasion save you money! Enjoy, James.