Running a website or a plan can be hard-work, especially when it comes to traffic generation and getting visitors. I recently decided I wanted to put together my Top Ways To Build More Traffic To Your Blog.
Because with no traffic (readers) you end up with a blog or YouTube channel that doesn't have any hits, no click-through on links and eventually it becomes a burden rather than a joy.
1. Content is King
The first, and foremost thing you should be thinking about, is producing unique and valuable content.
Without the content, your potential readers, have nothing to read. Simple.
You also want to make sure that you are creating new content on a fairly regular basis, try to sit down at least once a week and create a new article or video.
It doesn't have to be long articles, short 500 word articles or 5 minute videos can be a great way of providing additional content for bigger articles.
For instance, this article is a great addition to my main article about How To Build A Blog.
By creating more articles, or videos, you are also providing Google, Bing or even Yahoo and YouTube more keywords and content for them to find and index. Potentially pushing you up the SEO ladder! More on that later.
If you are stuck for articles ideas, or you are unable to get the time to create them. Look at services such as Hoth Blog Services or IWriter both of which can be used to get quality content for your blog.
2. Unique Content
As I said above, you want to ensure you are constantly providing high quality, valuable content.
But you also need to ensure it's unique.
If you are publishing content that is the same as other peoples or even just rewrites of your own content, then search engines will start to see it as duplication and begin to ignore it.
Having similar content that all falls around the same topics is fine, but don't just copy word for word someones work!
3. Search Engine Optimisation
People throw around the term SEO pretty much everywhere these days.
If it's people trying to provide cheap SEO services on places such as Fiverr, or large SEO companies offering all in one services such as TheHoth.
It's definitely something you want to focus on.
Once you have created your articles, you will want to ensure that they have been optimised for search engines to find, and read.
Specifically focusing on how easy it is for users to read your content (use short sentences).
The use of alternative text for any images you use.
And how many keywords you have added to your articles or even your YouTube videos.
READ: Beginners Guide To SEO
After you have done such SEO, you want to ensure you have submitted your content to the big search engines such as Google and Bing. You will need to ensure that your blog has a site map to submit. Apps such as YoastSEO will be able to create them. YoastSEO also provides you with helpful information about your articles, such as keyword density and how easy it is to read!
To submit your blog to Google click here and to submit your blog to Bing click here.
Once they have been submitted, both search engines will keep trawling your site every couple of days, but you can still manually submit your site if you want to force them to crawl it!
4. Start Promoting Your Content!
People usually forget that social media is still a massive influence on driving traffic to websites or YouTube channels.
Once you have finished videos or finished writing your awesome article, share it on your social media accounts.
You can create specific pages that are your social media front, for example I run this group on Facebook.
I mainly use it for sharing articles that I write to increase the footprint of my articles, because search engines will trawl places such as Facebook or Twitter and find these URLS. I will also share on my personal profile as well.
If you have a high share rate, this will add to the traffic you receive, from new people seeing the article or video as well as showing search engines that people like your content!

Also look at adding social media sharing buttons at the bottoms of your articles, this can encourage people to share on sites such as Twitter, StumbleUpon or Facebook, without needing to ask them!
Why not give this article a share while you are here 😉
5. Build Your Email List
Once great way of getting more visitors back to your blog, is by building an email list.
You have probably seen a few popups giving you a free training course, in exchange for an email or you have been on other sites where they offer you '100 Training Tips' in exchange for an email.
This is to build up the owners email list.
They can then let the list know exactly when new articles appear, or new videos are arriving on their YouTube channel (a bit like the YouTube notification bell).
It's a free, easy way of getting more traffic back to your site, plus it provides your list with valuable content!
I recommend using GetResponse for your email responder, as it allows you to create quite nice flows based on different rules, opening times and even tag your subscribers depending on how they joined or what emails they have opened!
6. Reaching Out To Other Platforms Or Blogs
If you are completely brand new to blogging or YouTube then you may struggle being able to do this. As most platforms or blogs want to be able to showcase popular people, but it's worth a shot!
Find blogs or YouTube channels that are in similar niche as your own, and offer to write an article for them, or create a collaboration video with them.,
It's a win win for both yourself and the blog or channel owner, as it provides them with good content that may be a slightly different style than their own writing or videos and it allows you to add a link explaining who you are and where you have come from.
Once the other persons readers or viewers have started to interact, there is a high chance they will filter down into your content and become a new follower!
7. Become a helpful member of society!
A great way I have found to drive traffic towards my blog, is by providing helpful answers to difficult, but sometimes easy questions.
Depending on the niche or subject matter that you write or create videos about, there are loads of forums or communities where people may gather.
For example, this site talks a lot about Affiliate Marketing, so I try and provide answers to peoples questions with the ClickBank University Training Forum. I can link an article or put my blog within my signature, and every time I answer a question my blog is displayed.
This method is a very subtle way of driving traffic to your blog, but it can also be laser focused.
The people clicking through to see your content will be interested in your niche, making them the perfect people to read or view your work!
You can also use sites such as Quora to answer questions around different niches. You will want to be careful with this though, as they have a fairly strict policy on affiliate links.
8. Infographic & Press Releases!
A fairly unknown, but very useful Way To Build More Traffic To Your Blog, is to create press releases or even infographics, and then submitting them to press release websites.
Because these submission services will send press releases to hundreds, if not thousands of different sites and upload your press release as it's own webpage or article and then link it back to your website.
You will of course need to create the press release, and it can be difficult to craft something related to your niche, which is why its not utilised as much as other methods.
Infographics on the over hand can be created fairly easily, or someone can make it for you and you are only limited by your own imagination on where you can try and submit the infographic.
Other blogs, infographic sites, Pinterest or even image hosting sites.
The majority will give you the ability to add your link to your site, allowing both search engines to flow the link juice back through, as well as the readers of the infographic finding the original article.
Bonus. Article Submission
Another unknown, or not highly used method is that of article submission.
Sites such as Medium allow users to create articles and then link them back to your blog or your YouTube channel.
You can upload articles you already have, ensuring your articles will be reached by a wider audience, especially those people who browse through article sites.
As with the Infographic or Press Release, you can actually get small amounts of 'link juice' which pushes up your own blog or site.
Can you think of some any other ways to build more traffic to your Blog?

I started this blog around 2017, after realising that I wanted to let people know about all the different ways someone could make money online. From DropShipping, Affiliate Marketing, Network Marketing and more.
This blog has now grown to review and explain a variety of different tools and platforms, in the bid to help you.
This blog contains affiliate links, and I will get a commission for purchases made through these links. It doesn’t change anything for you and will on occasion save you money! Enjoy, James.